Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Same Trend: Missing the point

Post 021

I marvel at how easily issues are twisted to meaningless confusion. Then the invented confusion is turned back on those opposing the original issue and accused as initiating meaningless argument. Here is an example:

It was discovered that during this time of economic concern, the IRS sent hundreds of employees to party in Vegas. The public was outraged. So the government has taken this to heart and black listed popular places to party. Now they are sending their employees to more expensive but less public places. Then they complain because the public has forced them to spend more on parties!

How hard is it to figure out this problem?
The public does not want you to party on our money. ANYWHERE!
The issue is not Orlando, or Vegas, or anywhere else, the issue is that we are angry that you party on our money...especially in these economic hard times.

This present re-working of the Healthcare bill "reform" that congress is trying to work up and pass is following the same trend. They figure; The public doesn't like this, so lets try it a different way. As if this is the problem.
Let me be clear, (to use the words of Obama, but I really mean it!)
We the people, do not want the government to run health care. Government has no business in running the lives of its citizens.
No amount of reworking this Marxist bill will correct the issue.
Don't spin this to mean we are pleased with the present healthcare.
The government protected insurance companies,
The government protected pharmaceutical companies,
The government cowing to these lobbyists,
these and other issues need to be fixed, but the government is already the reason for these problems, so more government intervention is not the fix.
If one murderer kills 4 people, adding another murderer does not actually fix the problem!

Government Czars telling doctors how to do their job,
Government Czars telling us our plan is not good enough for them,
The fines for refusing government programs,
The loss of ability to choose and get our own care; whether unborn or very old, These are only a few of the issues that come when the government tries to run private decisions.

The very nature of this bill is anti-Republic in nature.
It is oppressive in its implementation.
This Congress has already proven that it cannot be trusted with our private companies, our Government, our money, or our protection.
This issue is not actually about Healthcare, This bill is about freedom vs. slavery.

The problem is actually the kind of Government we want to run America.
Try to have a discussion about daycare with a child molester.
Do you think you will be able to come to a fair compromise?

You want to ban all child molesters from the daycare where you place your child. The child molester complains because you refuse to compromise. How about 2 days a week? doesn't that sound fair?
You wanted NO days allowed to the molester but he wanted 7 days a week, so 2 days sure sounds fair!

"Tolerance is the virtue of a man without conviction."
- author Bill Gothard

Freedom thinking Americans across the parties, cannot accept this government takeover of our choices for our own health.
We refuse to compromise on this; Freedom and Marxism are not compatible.
You want to help Americans get better healthcare? Great. do it. But NOT at the cost of Freedom.

I know, somehow this post will be twisted into a sexist issue.
* * * * * * *

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