Saturday, November 7, 2009

Obama: A Muslim Loyalist

Post 031

My very first real post, the reason I started this blog in the first place, told you that soon Obama would be clearly shown to be Muslim in faith and loyalty.
Here is another clear indication of this:

Obama's loyalty (* *
yes, it has an agenda and is a bit dramatically edited, but none the less true, and it is long.

America's problem is not Republican vs. Democrat, Right vs. Left; America's problem is that the heart of the organization that is now running this nation is Muslim. The goal of that organization is to help Islam overtake America.
I recognize this statement may appear emotional, but the volume of support is enormous, though too vast to add attached documentation here at this time, I endeavor to support this theory through a long process and a plethora of data. By the time I have provided all the information, you will have forgotten this was a specific goal.

If our founding fathers took up arms against the King of England to defend the freedoms of this land, it is our national duty to take up arms against our current runaway government which is the enemy to our personal and national freedoms!
Will this happen? NO.
American's have been indoctrinated so successfully that we will watch and complain with a loud voice, but will do nothing to actually stop the fall of America.
The man who is now in office and most the body of Congressmen and Representatives in our leadership, are intentionally and with careful planning, bringing America to it's knees. Their actual reasons are frankly irrelevant.

"The fool who has not sense to discriminate between what is good and what is bad is well nigh as dangerous as the man who does discriminate and yet chooses the bad." - Theodore Roosevelt

It is clear that we did not vote-in the man masquerading as our President. It is clear that Congress is willing to pass laws and bills with devastating effects on us in spite of our overwhelming complaints by unprecedented masses.
Do you honestly believe that we are still in control of our government?

"What is the event that turns a free man into a slave? When he is unwilling or unable to defend his freedom." - Kyle Ponsford

Am I advocating for individuals to perform heinous acts of violence? NO!
America must act as a nation to plot her course, individual uprisings are but Anarchy.
As a nation, America has lost her foundational values and cohesion, this is why it is too late to fix our problem through force of arms.
Our founders fought together on righteous principles, and had the support and aid of the Creator. On what platform would Americans fight for today, and expect the same support? Economic success? the Right to have luxuries? The freedom to be corrupt? It would seem that Obama may have been correct when he said; "America is no longer a Christian nation."

America is no longer free.
Congratulations America, you have now arrived at the place where there is no help but the God of your forefathers. Nothing can save you now but the One who established your nation in the beginning. This is now completely a faith based issue:
Will America's god be Allah, or the Son of God, Jesus Christ?
If you wanted to wait until the choice was black and white, you got it.
Choose carefully there are no refunds.
Islam is not a "party choice" like Republican or Democrat.
Islam is the purest form of evil in opposition to the Son of God (*1).
If you wanted to reject the Creator God, you have the right team in office to do it.

After you are the servants of Islam and see the indescribable blood shed and the suffering of your wife and children under Sharia Law, after you long for the safety and freedom you once had, remember then, that it was following the Commandments of the Creator that made America a wonderful place to live (*2), (I intend to provide the details as we go).
Crying to God to help you in your distress at this point will do nothing for you.
It will take a heartfelt recognition that you, the average good guy American, has neglected God in your daily life. Now it is God's turn to neglect you.
If you want his attention it will take a long, complete, re-structuring of your life, something you are not yet willing to do. but in a few years you may have the proper motivation! (*3).

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14 Holy Bible

This verse is not a quick fix but will take many years and a few generations to figure out. God will not "fix it" while we remain sitting in front of the TV, this verse simply shows the foundation of the fix. If we turn our attention back to the Creator, our hearts and minds will be transformed, over time, into the kind of people our forefathers were; able to be used of God to make wise choices with lasting results.
Obama may quote the Qu'ran; the foundation of the Muslim society, but look at the two foundations: Who's history is the way of life and love and liberty? and who's is the way of hate and murder, and oppression?
America has problems, but only the results of rejecting the Laws of God on which she was established.
All imaginable sorrows can yet be avoided if the American's who call themselves the people of God, will recognize their own addiction to sin, and take the steps to turn from them.
Quit blaming the heathen for America's problems.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

* * * * * * *

*1 DVDs; "Obsession" and "The Third Jihad"
*2 "America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." - (Concept) by Alexis de Tocqueville
*3 "Because They Hate" - Brigitte Gabriel, "God's War On Terror" - Walid Shoebat.

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