Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No Surrender

(Clarifying the Confusion)
Post 188

By this time I’m expecting you to have taken up the habit of reading these with your bible open. I include many verses in the text to make the point but the others included are important to your own participation.

* * *

My last post could be confusing to many, thinking I am advocating a national and even a global surrender because all is lost.
This is NOT my meaning!

I am also still a regular Glenn Beck watcher.
He is presenting information you will not get anywhere else in such volume and documentation of what is really happening to America and the world. *1 Front row seats as it were to the rise of the final Gentile GDE. (Global Dominate Empire)

The Bible foretold this WILL happen, and now that the day is upon us, Glenn Beck is showing us HOW.
And although I am not sure he believes it himself yet, if you listen between the lines he too is suggesting that while we try, our efforts may not ultimately succeed and we need to be prepared for that end (result).

So What’s the point? Why try at all?

* * *

It seems that EVERYTHING has two views, two sides, two seemingly opposing meanings; Sometimes they are just different explanations of the same thing and sometimes they are two very different perspectives with very different results… See what I mean? EVERYTHING, even the description!

Again I say; It’s all about perspective.

“What is it that I think I’m going to get out of this?” is one question that will help us comprehend the perspective we ourselves use;
If we think sending one vote worth of TEA party minded people to Congress will allow us to return to drinking tea on the sun deck of the Titanic, we have the wrong perspective.

If we think providing the government with the power to create our needed jobs will allow us to have both freedom, and the provision of a nanny State, we have the wrong perspective.

* * *

The Alamo:

The hopeless situation in which those men found themselves cannot allow us to think there was a single man present that assumed they would succeed in preserving their very lives. (though it cannot be ignored they had encouraging hopes of reinforcements right up to the last.)
The survival of the conflict was not the point of their stand. (Though obviously it was a serious consideration.)

“What kind of fool makes a stand in which he knows he cannot survive?”
One who values something above his personal life, and the lives of his team. American history is scattered with just such values.

The great men of the Alamo, who gave their lives combating the overwhelming enemy of Freedom embodied in the new State of Texas, did so as a stand against an enemy intent on taking a value they cherished more than life itself.
They did not die in vain as if they were fighting for themselves and lost, they died to occupy the Mexican army of Santa Anna while Texas could muster an adequate resistance that should have come. The Alamo official site

To them their lives were worth only 13 days…
Because that time bought a continuation of freedom for the American State of Texas recently declared independent from the oppressor of Mexico.
If you have not watched “The Alamo” for a long time, I recommend a fresh viewing with this in mind. *2
It was the “Pre-Alamo” events of confusing and diverse opinions of others that accumulated into the unfavorable outcome, *3 and this has played out again and again in history as we will see a few examples.

Although America is now facing another such significant attack, this attack is sourced in the intellectual or even the spiritual realm if you will. The end result is surely as temporal, but the battle is happening at a deeper level than guns across an adobe wall.
What we do not comprehend without exploration of the history, is that although they failed to succeed in defending the Alamo, their commitment of actions there strengthened the resolve of many similar American units when fighting terrible odds, from the soon following skirmish which resulted in the capture of Santa Anna *3b, to other conflicts many years later. Their failure at the Alamo was actually a far greater success.
I grew up 140 years later, yet knowing the meaning behind the cry; “Remember the Alamo!”

* * *

Death March of Battan:
When General King, the new commander of more than 70,000 men on the Philippine Island of Battan, surrendered his men to the Imperial Japanese Army on April 9, 1942, he did so because he was thinking of his men.

Honorable, but foolish. (The details that led up to this scenario have prophetic connotations and are reminiscent of the pre-Alamo condition.)

General King knew his troops were under-trained, under-supplied, and overwhelmed.
Success against the superior Japanese Army was utterly hopeless and so against his orders and forgetting the spirit of the men of the Alamo, he felt he had no choice but to surrender his men and the militarily useless Island.

What he failed to comprehend was that the men were not just men, but national tools of warfare against evil.
To value their lives over the battle against evil, was to miss the whole point of war.

Sure, he could not know the unspeakable horrors that those men would face by slow and merciless death over the next three years at the hands of the Japanese, but that result is not even a figure in the equation of whether he should or should not have surrendered. It was but a bi-product of allowing evil to progress un-resisted.

Looking back on the history of it, we now know those men would have been far better off to have defended the island to the last man. But that too is not even a figure in the equation of whether they should have fought or surrendered.

It was their duty as free men to fight that evil to the last breath. It is for God to decide the outcome. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -Edmond Burke
I would encourage you to watch both “The Alamo” *3 and “The Ghosts of Battan” *4 to see the foundational difference of spirit between “fight vs. surrender”.

The men of the Alamo chose death because they would not live a life they were unwilling to defend. The men of Bataan were not given that honor because their leader wrongly valued life over freedom.

In the end, December of 1944, as the last Japanese prisoner ship Oreoko Maru (sp?) left the Bataan peninsula with prisoners destined for Japan, American planes attacked the ship with machine gun fire not knowing prisoners were aboard. The hold was penetrated with the bullets but the American prisoners were more than willing to die in the cause of sinking that ship as the survivors confess in their narration; “‘Hit us, Sink us!’ that was the only chance we had to get out of there, that’s the feeling we had; ‘common, sink it!’” - Albert “Duke” Fullerton (transcribed from the documentary)
Would it not have been better to be so willing at the beginning when they were yet free and un-tormented?

This is again the question for the America leaders today.
Like General King, most congressmen are not maliciously trying to see how they can make America suffer most, they are indeed thinking of America.
But their understanding of what is important is foundationally flawed.
Their perspective is wrong.
There is now an unalterable focus capitalizing on the “need for jobs”, but this is missing the whole point of this present conflict with evil, and so our leaders today, like General King of yesterday, are surrendering our freedom to an Evil authority for imagined security.

* * *

In modern times we have a tragic tale of a small American SEAL scout team in Afghanistan / Pakistan July 2005, as told firsthand in: “Lone Survivor” by Marcus Lattrell.
As I understand it, these four men were scouting under cover when they were discovered by a local shepherd and his son.
The Standard Operating Procedure and clear direction by their commander, is to kill those who detect them, for the purpose of maintaining their stealth. But the men simply could not make themselves kill these innocents, and so they let them go.
True to what could be expected, the shepherd immediately told the Islamic authorities who came and killed the American scout company. Only one man incredibly survived to tell the story.

It was truly compassionate of those men to sacrifice their lives for an innocent shepherd and his son. And how shall we criticize the dead even if we see error in their choices?
So we praise them, and at least in heart posthumously reward them as heroes, and I would not wish to detract from that.

But the days of excessive politenesses are past. We can no longer continue capitalizing on pleasantries and emotional goodwill while our boys are dying in confused honor.
It has much more significant meaning than that of their own deaths,
and so not in blame or criticism for their sacrificial choice, but in education of those who come after, we must address this topic in honest evaluation:

* * *


“…the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.” Exodus 23:7

Clearly this verse tells us that according to God, it is unacceptable to kill the innocent. Simple, clear, case closed…
Or is it?
It is, without question.
And these men in simple comprehension fulfilled this verse which resulted in their honorable death. Today we accept that as just the unfortunate random breaks, but this has not always been the mind of America.

Until recently it has always been a theme of America that right always prevails. Evil doesn't pay.
But in the last generation this theme seems to be regularly falling down evidentially. The problem is we have stopped asking Why?

To add or subtract from just what the verse says is to twist the intent to include what it does not say and to miss its true meaning. THIS is the actual reason for the result, and NOT the obedience to the verse as we naturally assume.

Different perspectives:
Our nation’s acts of love and kindness, and self-sacrifice for others, is not an error.
It is a great and honorable character quality that makes us better men.
But in simple ignorance we now confuse good character with virtue, but self-sacrifice in general makes a lousy virtue.
If someone runs out of thread we do not volunteer to cut open our own bowels to provide them with catgut, even if they are making a tent in which to live, or cloths for their children. But this is required once self-sacrifice becomes a virtue and not just a character quality used in wisdom.
We see the example of this confusion between virtue and character, in the Green movement and Animal rights. As a character quality such values get high marks. As a virtue the same values are fundamentally flawed and lead to destruction.

The above American SEAL team was in a military maneuver; a part of our war against an evil, an evil with open intentions and history of actions designed to destroy America.
Yes it is unfortunate that an unarmed man and his son, going about their daily lives, happened to stumble upon the team. But the shepherd and his boy were an enemy not because they had or had not a weapon, but because they were willing subjects of the evil authority of Islam which we were fighting, and they now had compromising information.
The men did not sacrifice their own lives for that Muslim man and his boy, they sacrificed an American team of solders which we needed in that war against evil.

While their voluntary sacrifice was very brave and honorable, it was not obedient or wise and was unproductive in the battle against evil. In fact the military extraction cost further effort that was hindrance to the cause of right.

This was a regrettable confusion of perspective as servants of America. This was a case of very honorable young men who were confused about what was actually honorable, and like General king, against orders, surrendered their responsibility to the enemy.
Yes, it is confusing to contemplate that the killing of “innocents” is sometimes required in the progression of right, but the confusion is indeed fully hinged on defining the word “innocents”.
Do not misunderstand; this is not a case of situational ethics where we wrongly adjust our ethics according to our needs for the outcome we want. This is a case of identifying the definition always intended. According to God it is NEVER acceptable to kill the innocent…for ANY reason. This is foundationally unmovable in our evaluation.

It has long been argued by the enemies of our God, that God commanded his people to kill; sometimes just the men while enslaving the women and children (Numbers 31, I kings 18:40), and sometimes killing entire nations of humanity; Men, women, children, old, and infant, killing also the cattle and burning the goods. (I Samuel 15:3) And God judged king Saul harshly for his intellectual deviation from the command. (I Samuel 15:9-11, 14-15, 26)
There is no kindness that can be implied there.
I Samuel 15:22-23, Deuteronomy 25:17, Exodus 17:8-16 explains why.

Further exploration of scripture shows us the principles of how God can command his people Not to kill innocents, while at the same time commanding his people to kill women and children, infants and cattle.

The answer lies not so much in the question; “What constitutes an innocent?”, but in the source of the answer.
Here we must note the additional confusion that this is indeed the same questioned answered by which the Islamist can destroy the Twin Towers killing 3000 innocents and justify it by the claim; “There is no innocent American.”
In truth shown by the results, they are more correct than SEAL TEAM 10 thinking the Shepherd and son were innocents.

How is this possible?
It is all about perspective.
Whose team are you really on?
This is not a problem for the individual who believes the two sides are unequal in right and wrong. The confusion lies in the mind that wrongly thinks there is no right and wrong and so both sides have equal justification in the conflict.

Their God is at war with Our God.
And whether we want to deny it or not, America, by its very creation and nature is Christian, even if we are now wholly rebellious against our Father God.
This makes us connected to Jesus Christ by simply being Americans… not connected enough for our personal salvation by osmosis, but connected enough to make God’s enemy hate us anyway.
Satan (Allah) wants to kill us not because we love God, but because God loves us.
Therefore in the eyes of Satan; “There is no innocent American” because we are a Christian nation,
while in the eyes of Islam; “There is no innocent American” because we are the nation that ended the Islamic domination of the middle eastern trade routs just after our foundation.
If this is the mind of Islam and their god, how innocent is an Islamic shepherd and his boy though at the moment they bore no arms?
This does not even take into account that Islam indoctrinates their very young children to hate and desire to kill all Americans. With this understanding we begin to see God's justification for the command to kill even children when a nation's iniquity reaches its full.

Americans have fabricated a value that says all children are innocent.
But neither God, nor the history of children with guns, grenades and bombs proves this value true.

The 3000 Americans of Towers One and Two, may have died in their sins and ended up in hell, but that is no concern to Islam, they attacked “America”; God’s Standard that he raised up against evil.
Their strike was not against individual Americans presumed to be Christians; their strike was against God himself by killing his people on whom he as put his name.

Now of course I have not covered all that needs to be addressed in this topic of identifying innocents, but this should be enough to see that our extremely simplistic perspectives can often lead us to the wrong ends though we mean well.

Principally; Why do we seem to suffer failure when applying God's law? because in simple ignorance we misunderstand the proper application.

This principle applies equally to General King, SEAL Team 10, Today's "Modern" Christian, and the Orthodox Jews described by the Apostle Paul;

“For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.”
Romans 10:2-3

Only in submitting our fabricated values to God’s true values can we have the clarity to rightly respond to a situation like that of SEAL Team 10.

They died because they failed to follow the orders of their righteous authority; in confusion of strong feelings they established their own righteousness which was contrary to the will and greater knowledge of their authority.

Again, this is not throwing stones, that situation in which they found themselves was very conflicting indeed.

* * *


Since this concept is hard to swallow, lets divert a moment to at least superficially explore this apparent contradiction in our faith:

Is God arbitrary or changing his views when he commands different things at different times?
Do not kill, Kill these, Don’t kill those, kill only some of these, kill all of those. Old Testament Law, New Testament Grace?
If we think so, then it seems Allah is more consistent than our God because he has always command his people to kill or subjugate everyone that doesn’t follow Islam; Just one big blanket killing. *5
Here is where we see a very deep foundational difference between God and Allah.
While Allah blanketly commands his followers to wage war on everyone that does not follow his way; “Believers! Wage war against such infidels, as are your neighbors, and let them find you rigorous” Qur’an 9:124
God is exclusive to battle only those whom have earned his specific sentence for specific conduct (Numbers 21:21-24, 33-35).
God’s sentence is equitable, be it against his enemies or his own who commit wickedness (Numbers 16:23-35), because God sees all mankind as his creation which he loves (John 3:16), while Allah sees only the committed Islamist as those he loves and even those are questionable.

As is the nature of science created by God, God’s intentions and commands for justice are also calculable, and searchable.
God is the same yesterday today and forever. If it was wrong to kill innocents 4000 years ago, it is still wrong to kill innocents today. This is the actual meaning behind his 6th commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.” Exodus 20:13

Kill 7523 ratsach; a primary root; properly to dash in pieces, i.e. kill (a human being), especially to murder.

So while in simple minded ignorance we might wish to suppose this verse commands passivity, the original word used and therefore the meaning intended commands not to kill the innocent. “Do not murder.”

With this foundational knowledge of God’s dependable consistency, we can investigate the principles and commands of God until we accurately comprehend his intent.
Since there seem to be variables in degree of the commands in question, we can be sure there are degrees in the cause for the particular command used.

“Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.” Leviticus 19:29
Here we see one cause resulting in a nation “full of wickedness.”

Regarding Israel’s 400 years in Egypt “But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: (to the land of Israel) for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.” Genesis 15:16 (also showing God’s definition of a generation when coupled with the prophecy of Genesis 15:13, one generation = 100 years.)
Here we see the careful planning of God. He sent the Jews into Egypt for a purpose for Israel, and he ran the numbers to insure that the time for them to return to the promised land to possess it, also coincided with the time needed for the Amorites to fill up their allotted iniquity before God brought their judgment.
So how can we declare which was the reason and justification for the Jews to conquer and possess the land of the Amorites? We accept it as Just, because God declared it so, but he gave us his explanation so that we could comprehend the justice for ourselves. In otherwords; God showed his work.

Now note; wickedness is the activity, while iniquity is the underlying motivation.

iniquity 5771 avon; from 5753; perversity, i.e. (moral) evil.
5753 avah; a primary root; to crook, literally or figuratively (as follows): do amiss, bow down, make crooked, commit iniquity, pervert, do wickedly, do wrong.

In investigating God’s sentencing of these (investigation not included here), we see that these ends; “full of wickedness” and “fullness of iniquity” are not the same things so they get different sentences, much as robbery is not the same as murder but they are still both punished, though differently.

“Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” Ecclesiastes 8:11
This verse though often misunderstood, tells us a great deal.

We seem to think that for reasons unknown, God withholds speedy sentence, which makes it his fault that we go so bad; “If he had only punished us right away we would have kept from wandering too far.”
But this is not true. Early punishment would simply make us paranoid, rebellious slaves.
God withholds his sentence to allow us our heads, to grant us our freedom to be who and what we want. While this does allow us to grow ever more evil without ready sentencing, it also allows us a fearlessness to fail and learn in the trial and error of finding the right way.
This delay of God’s sentence is identified in scripture as Longsuffering. (Matthew 17:17, I Corinthians 13:4) This is a concept hidden in the hair of the Sanctuary Priests; (Ezekiel 44:20) identifying the proper balance we are to follow while understanding that it is God who “suffers long” until we go beyond the bounds of tolerable.
This allows a “safe zone” of variability in working out a regular maintenance without “shaved” paranoia, or going “too long” between checks. This physical metaphor in their hair has little to do with their hair! (look this one up, it has profound impact to the security of your position! It’s a short verse, can you grasp its underlying meaning? Try.)

“Moreover Manasseh shed innocent blood very much, till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another; besides his sin wherewith he made Judah to sin, in doing that which is evil in the sight of the LORD.” II Kings 21:16
and of course we recently learned that Manasseh was the final straw that angered God to the point he could no longer bear Judah’s iniquity and they were “taken away” in the punishment of the sentence. They let their spiritual hair grow unpolled for too long.

There are many passages of scripture providing examples of the variables that result in what seems to be random sentences. But through careful study we learn the degree of sentence fits the degree of crime perfectly in every case.
God does nothing randomly.

This is the source concept that created the Uniform Commercial Code of American Law. UCC (which of course has now been corrupted from the original intent of understanding)

* * *

So while God commands us not to slay the innocent or the righteous because such an act is wicked and will not be justified by God for any reason, (Exodus 23:7)
This does not include those that only appear innocent or righteous.

Does that free us to then kill all those we don’t feel are innocent or righteous?
NO! That is the twisted mentality of Islam.
As Jesus himself for our example; we are to do only as God instructs, even more so in matters of life and death. “I (Jesus) can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” John 5:30

The “because” is the key to ensuring justification.
“What do I think I am going to get out of this?” is again the question to understand our motives. If the answer is; “I am not doing this for my benefit, but for obedience.” Then we see a different perspective emerge.
This chain of command justification is the foundational principle of the authority of the king (government).
This scriptural principle is the righteous justification for following the S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedures) and the specific command to maintain cover when on a military opp. (operation).
IF the soldiers had a personal desire to kill the shepherd and his son, then there would have been serious question to the justification of such action, but because they desperately did not want to do the horrible deed, they were required in justification to comprehend for themselves the justification of the command and follow those commands of the God-ordained authority; their commander.
Therefore in such an act they would not have fallen under the failure to be justified of the first verse: “…the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.” Exodus 23:7
nor would they have fallen under either curse of the second verse: “Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.” Jeremiah 48:10

In fact the misunderstanding of the first verse has applied the whole concept to the wrong party! The SEAL Team themselves were the righteous party, and failed to protect them from the slayer.

Of course this quick study is very incomplete and does not cover details such as the responsibility of the authority to obey his own chain of command, nor our personal responsibility to the law of God above even the commands of the authority.
This is not a simple concept.

This is wisdom that CANNOT rightly be handled in the minds of the godless, or even the Christian milk drinkers.
And to make the matter more confusing, the Wicked have made a virtue out of killing the “innocents” of their enemies without cause. Hence the plethora of 911 examples around the world.
Now if we reject the wicked then obviously we also reject their values, but if their values are corruptions of our own, must we then reject our values too?
This seems to be the serious question of confusion by America’s present leaders and our people!

“For the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;…” Roman 1:18
This is not a matter of evil people outright rejecting God, this is describing well meaning people who have been given the truth in a proper righteous format, but who mishandle that truth in unrighteous and ungodly perspectives. This describes the “Christians” in America today “who when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful;
And so became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” Romans 1:21

* * *

How then are we to sort it out?
I submit that it cannot be rightly done without the practiced familiar guidance of the Spirit and word of God, but here are the basics:

We begin with the firm understanding that the Holy Scripture is Divinely inspired by God. Therefore there are no errors and no contradictions.
Now while the moderate Muslims ignorantly also believe this about their Qur’an, We have the archeological evidence that our scriptures have remained the same down through the ages, therefore what it says is not a type error or a translational corruption through the ages.
So in confidence we search for the explanation that unifies the apparent contradiction.

Our God is one God, (Deuteronomy 6:4, Malachi 2:10, Mark 12:29, yet there is a Father, a Son and a Holy Ghost. (Genesis 3:22, I John 5:7)
How is this not a contradiction?

We have our own triune construction for an explanatory aid; I am a body, mind, and spirit, yet I am one individual entity. (Galatians 5:17, I Corinthians 7:34, Romans 15:27 while all three are shown in each of these verses only two are easy to identify, look for the 3rd!) Through understanding we are shown how each of our three parts have an individual responsibility to God. (Psalm 51:1-2)
So we see that there is no contradiction, but rather clarification; “Three in One”.

In the same way, our two passages in question must be in agreement before we can assume we understand the meaning.
The First refers to the morality of our own conduct against one in whom is no justification for our action. The second refers to our own warping of or lack of obedience to the authority of God because it is distasteful.

We again have an example for our aid:
Individually by federal law we are not authorized to kill anyone but for the defense of life and property, (innocent vs. not innocent) but militarily in war we are commanded by our authority to kill perhaps many, for indirect national defense. (sword to the blood)
Therefore we understand that the individual enemy is a tool of his authority just as we are. There is no hate required to accomplish the duty, and no pleasure should be received in the same duty. In the Marine Corps we had a saying; “Ours is not to question why, ours is but to do or die.” Meaning; Don't second guess your orders, just do your job or fail. While I would not equate this value with scripture, it is an easy way to remember the bigger concept.
The saying also holds true when applied in our spiritual walk with God.

For those SEAL team members to disobey their command, which obedience would have protected the team, they kept back their sword from blood and were “cursed.”

cursed 779 arar; a primary root; to execrate.
[execrate; To imprecate evil upon]
[imprecate; to invoke, as evil, by prayer; hence, to curse].
In this verse “curse” simply means the absolute assurance declared by God, that evil will come of it.

This requirement authorized by God to actually kill people at the reqired time for the reqired purpose, is just too hard for most modern American Christians to reconcile with the mushy effeminate God of their imagination, and so in willful blindness to this “part” of their faith, they harshly criticize the Islamic faith for obeying the same command… albeit twisted to corruption.

So who is more cursed?
The children that refuse to obey because of effeminate weakness?
Or the hoodlum children that apply it for their own pleasure?
Or perhaps the gangster neighbors that steel the passage, twisting it for their own god?

“Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.” Jeremiah 48:10

It seems they are all cursed by one half of the verse or the other, or both!

Now while we recoil from such a concept of violence as Christians, think about the Jews who recoiled from the gentleness of Jesus' message of forgiveness.
We are now in danger as Christians of missing the point just as the Jews did, but from two sides of the same coin!
Modern Christians have a comprehension of Jesus as a meek and helpless child, and a man who died on a cross as a willing participant, unresisting. but scripture tells us when he returns he will be the avenging Lion of Judah! (Revelation 5:5, 19:15)

Such a dual concept of scripture is hard to reconcile.
But reconcile we must if we are to have a faith that actually works, and stands up against scrutiny and criticism; especially today as those who would criticize our faith do what we condemn while pointing out what they do is found in our own faith!

This is the very concept that provided us with a Second Amendment; The right to keep and bear arms. This was not seen as a privilege for hunting, but a duty to defend the nation against tyranny.
But today, Guns in the hands of under-disciplined Americans is indeed a thought to be concerned about. And so the government, in an honest desire to "protect" Americans from harm, is diligently trying to strip our protection from us.
This is the same error of General King, and in like manner the same undesirable results can be expected.

Yet while we are contemplating complex concepts such as this, there are many still stuck on the declaration that Glenn Beck is leading many to the wrong Jesus by the truth he is showing us, or that Mother Theresa is in hell because of her good works done wrong. (plus or minus a small % for an unknown and unlikely deathbed confession to the only right confessor Jesus the Christ.)

* * *

Who is our God?
There will be many emotionalists who rage at the audacious declaration, angry that God would be so “unfair”.
I have heard people take up Mother Theresa’s defense against God, in essence demanding that God should let her in because of her great works of self-sacrifice.
But in their rage of injustice, I genuinely ask;

“Who died and made you God?”

Who are we, the created things, to complain to the Creator that he does not meet our very simple standard of thinking? Who are we to demand that God perform to our requirements while at the same time we rebel against the standards of God?
This is a bit backwards don’t you think?

“Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay:
for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not?
Or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, he had no understanding?”
Isaiah 29:15-16

Yet in many, many examples there are large numbers of so called Christians who run their lives according to their own fabrication of Christianity that makes sense to them;
“God cannot hold me accountable for sleeping with my boyfriend, this is the 21st century, and my situation is complicated.”
“It would be unreasonable that God should hold me accountable for having an abortion, I simply cannot afford a child.”
“A guy cannot survive in business today without ‘skimming a bit off the top’.”
“If I didn’t take it, someone else would have.”
“Buyer beware is the American norm, I cannot be held responsible for not disclosing everything.”
And on and on we go in violation of all God’s simple and clear rules of conduct, while really messing up more complex concepts such as virtue in war with evil.

But these concepts are roadsigns written for a Christian perspective and cannot be understood by the godless mind, even if that mind has been raised in America as; “A Christian”.
These ignorant “moderate” Christians are the counter part to the ignorant “moderate” Islamists. Both are an unacceptable abomination to their respective faiths because they do not follow the faith!
How is this hard to understand?
If we saw a movie about a bad-guy with a big heart, we would call it a comedy.
If we saw a movie about a good-guy that through the movie constantly proves himself to be bad, we would eventually know the director intentionally deceived us, the man is bad.

The complications come when the scripted roles and the plot are so confused, that when the movie ends we look at each other bewildered and say; “I don’t get it”.

We have not seen that movie yet played out in reality, but it is coming very soon to a community near you! In the mean time watch the C-budget movie about our current president to get the idea. As I watch his speeches on the news, with every word I see him screaming; “I am confused”.

Ready for still more confusion?
This next part must be viewed using this clarification of lawful and unlawful obedience to the command of God.

* * *

I see a growing trend of bold and public outcry against conduct by the Islamic Muslims.
Clearly Islam is indeed EVIL, and so it is easy to simply condemn whatever they think:

Kill the Blasphemer, - EVIL.
Stone Adulterers, - EVIL.
Honor killing of children, - EVIL.
Decapitate your opposers, - EVIL.
Kill Homosexuals, - EVIL.

You will not find me arguing in favor of their values. They are indeed EVIL.
But is it their CONDUCT that makes them evil?
America is becoming more and more bold in vehemently making such a declaration.
And as the boldness grows so does the punishing spirit of retaliation.
I contend this is only further ignorant confusion.

I see Glenn Beck often accusing Islam of great evil for killing homosexuals and at the same time showing our opposing righteousness for not.
So lets use this one as our example;

Do I think we should be killing homosexuals? I DO NOT.
But not for reasons you might think, and the reasons are actually more important than the event itself.

Lets think about this for a moment in the effort to define evil.
Who was it that first condemned Sodomy; (the original term for homosexual)?
It was our God himself:
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Leviticus 18:22 (written in about 1490 BC, before the Jews ever got to the promised land)

But what should they actually do if there is eventually found such a thing?
“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Leviticus 20:13
It cannot be more clear that to capitally punish homosexuals was first God’s idea that came a few thousand years before Islam. Hmmm.
So on what grounds does Glenn Beck, or the “Christian” declare Islam as Evil because they kill homosexuals? Thought provoking I know. But lets move on.

It looks like such a thing was indeed found in Israel, so we get a recorded example of how they handled it in the old days:
“and there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.” I Kings 14:24
In fact we see sodomites were found in the land on several occasions:
“(Jeroboam king of Judah)…took away the sodomites out of the land,…” I Kings 15:22
“And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did David his father. And he took away the sodomites out of the land,..” I Kings 15:12
“and the remnant of the sodomites, which remained in the days of his father Asa, he (Jehoshaphat) took out of the land.” I kings 22:46

So in these few verses we see there were at least 3 times when sodomy was found in the land of Israel and removed.
But curious; God clearly commanded them to be killed (capitally punished), yet we find no clear indication this command was followed, they were simply “taken away” from Israel.
Why is that?

This is a topic of such strong feelings on both sides, it is very volatile.
The phrases used in each case allows for them to have been put to death, but also allows for them to simply have been sent away from the nation. Each viewer can see the historical event however makes him feel better. Regardless, the result is a land cleansed of the abomination, and because of our weak stomach in such matters the wording is as palatable as possible.
I can only suppose this wording was used to smooth over a raw issue, but since I do not picture the king personally driving a chariot full of sodomite detainees to the border, I cannot make the phrase; “he took them out of the land” to mean anything but a capital cleansing as commanded. But again, the wording is not that clear.

So is the obedient authoritative killing of sodomites EVIL? …Not according to God’s command.
Is God EVIL for commanding it? …Under whose declaration?
If we believe God, The Creator, is evil for this... Who made us God?
Clearly we have a whole other set of more serious issues regarding authority and self worship.
But if we followers of God don’t think God is evil for commanding it, how can we think Allah is EVIL for also commanding it among his people?

How about adultery,
or rebellious children? Or Blasphemy? or killing your enemies?

We aggressively attack Islam for such EVIL but
Each of these was first clearly commanded by God himself.
It was his idea:

Kill Homosexuals. (Leviticus 20:13)
Stone Adulterers. (Exodus 20:14, Deuteronomy 22:22)
Stone rebellious children. (Exodus 21:17)
Kill the Blasphemer. (Leviticus 24:10-16)
Kill the enemies. (I Samuel 15:3)

So again the question: “Is it the CONDUCT that makes Islam Evil?”

Glenn Beck says; “Yes” and so do most American Christians.
But this creates a very serious problem with the God of the Jews… the same God the Christians have long proudly claimed as their own!

So should we throw off this God as finally exposed as evil?
I submit that is exactly what America is about to do because her confusion is great!
Americans now know better than God.

This is the argument regarding capital punishment.
This is the argument regarding guiltless abortion.
This is the argument regarding children with rights opposed to their parents.
This is the argument regarding protecting the identities of sodomites with aids.
This is the confusion of animal rights vs. human rights.
This is the confusion of thinking mankind is destroying the planet by cow farts.
Etc. etc. etc.
And the Antichrist has not even appeared yet to deceive you with great signs and wonders!

We reject the principles, statutes and laws of God because the Living God does not fit into our warm and fuzzy view of God, and so we re-create God to fit our image of the god we want.
But God has warned us that we are NOT to have (make) any images as god. (Deuteronomy 5:8)
Do you really think this is limited to physical idols?
I submit our false images of god we make in our imagination of who he is, fits into this command.

Bill Maher is a vocal critic of the Christian faith, along with many other religions. But I actually (in degree of his honesty) respect the man. Though I disagree with his values, his arguments along this line “appear” to source from a genuine honest questioning mind and are at least logical. The problem is that he really does not want an answer; his rhetorical questions are only used to drive his agenda. *6 But the questions need to be answered anyway, its just too bad he isn't listening.

So while we condemn Islam for its ruthless and murderous faith, I hesitate to show you that God goes yet further than Islam:

Kill witches - Exodus 22:18
Kill bestiality - Exodus 22:19
Utterly destroy the idol worshiper - Exodus 22:20
Do not revile the gods of the ruler of thy people - Exodus 22:28
(SAY WHAT? *7)

Using the common “American Christian” standard of evil, Our God seems to be the blood thirsty evil one!
How do “Modern Christians” answer this argument?

* * *

“But we are under Grace now!” I hear them cry in confident glee, thinking they have easily trumped my argument.

And so we are.

"And somehow that magically makes all God’s rules evaporate into thin air?"
God be thanked it was our founders and not you, who carefully and thoughtfully designed America’s form of government, because you are advocating that Christianity is equal to Anarchy!

Clearly this was not the understanding of the founders, and I suggest it was not Christ’s intention either;
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.”… Matthew 5:17
and for further clarification he continued;
…“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” Matthew 5:18

“…Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your traditions?
For God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.”…
Matthew 15:3-4

Now don’t go all religiously vague on me here in self-protection with your “Jesus of Love” bit. By his own words, Jesus did not erase the law. So if you are still struggling over that one, how are you to rightly comprehend these deeper things?

* * *

Milk Christians:

“I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.
For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?”
I Corinthians 3:2-3

“For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meant.
For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”
Hebrews 5:12-14

These passages are not a stick to beat you with. They are simply honest clarification of the way things are as opposed to the way we THINK they are.
If they apply to you, it is not to belittle you, but to wake you up to realize there is more to strive for than what you have grown accustom to.

After years of Christianity, are you still suffering in your Christian faith under the torment of a malicious heart just under the surface?
Do you struggle with manipulating circumstances or twisting the truth to get things to come out for you?
Do you put on a plastic face in public, pretending to be who you know you should be, but just can’t seem to make it real?
Do you find yourself jealous of others because they don’t have your burdens, or they have what you are sure will make you happy?
Are you helpless to stop yourself from constantly speaking evil of people and their ways? *8
Then “If [you] have tasted that the Lord is gracious;
lay aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, as new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby…”
I Peter 2:3,1-2 *8

Not to beat you up, but presently you are near useless to God having wasted so many years as an emaciated starving Christian. Paul says you need to start with even the desire for the sincere milk of the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Word, so that you can grow.
If you know God is good, and are confident he wants more for you, then along with Peter, I encourage you to get serious with God and refresh yourself there in Christ’s milk of Salvation.

Are you a long time milk drinker whose faith has grown tasteless?
I encourage you to realize there is a whole smorgasbord full of good spiritual meat to be consumed in the word of God that is to be had by the mature Christian! The LORD needs you to be healthy and “strong in the LORD, and in the power of his might… that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Ephesians 6:10-13

Yet while you are still bottle sucking spiritual pabulum as a Downs Syndrome Christian, you are supposed to put on “the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11
It is not too late, just get to it!

The concepts I have posted here are really just the beginning of stronger meat that should be common understanding among Christians so that we do not get all wiggie when Bill Maher challenges our thinking with our own scripture, or when the EVIL of Islam presents our own information in a corrupted form.

Are you ready to receive the meat? It is hard to chew and digest with a system used to milk, but a pabulum sucking teenager is not healthy, how much less a full grown adult? Grab a bite, and chew on it. Chew and chew and chew. Swallow it down with a refreshing splash of milk and go for another bite. This is the meat you need for the battles to come.
Does this information shake your faith? Drink some more milk; Jesus saved you by his blood sacrifice not by your knowledge. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Refresh that security in your mind. (Hebrews 11:7) Now lets grab another bite of meat…

* * *

Back to Bataan:

The brutality of the Imperial Japanese army was so horrible that all these years later the American reaction of many is exampled in the online comment; “Two nuclear [atomic] bombs was too kind for these animals.”
But is this not just the response of one animal treatment of another animal for their animalistic actions?

The action is indeed sin, but the cause of the action is iniquity. Is the Punishing spirit of gleeful retaliation any less sin, even if the actual response is needed and justified?
This is why regarding those who killed him, Jesus could honestly ask God to “forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) Jesus saw them as simple sheep, led by the Devil to do his will just as the Imperial solders were led by their Emperor to treat their prisoners with such inhumanity.
But we cannot seem to be able to separate the conduct and the consequences (and therefore a needed reaction), from the tools used, and so we deeply hate the tool. And if we cannot separate it, we cannot forgive it. If we cannot forgive it, we cannot be forgiven... because we are just like them in our hateful hearts.
“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:14-15

The cause of actions and therefore the causing iniquity of the Imperial Japanese Empire, was an unconscious allegiance;
Rome, Islam, Hitler, and Japan; it is all the same spirit (prince) of the long reign of the 4th Diverse Beast of iron shown in Daniel 7. As we look at the nature of each of these powers we see a striking resemblance. This is what it means in identifying these beasts as diverse. The powers that came before Rome did not conduct themselves in this unbalanced murdering spirit without cause.
And America is the standard that God raised up in recent times against that prince, which struck it down but did not kill it. Now that iron beast is rising again in the form of the second Islamic Caliphate.

So what do you suppose will happen when America surrenders to the last and greatest evil Global Dominate Empire? Horrors far greater than the flames of the Roman Catholic “purifications”. Far greater than the Deathmarch, camps, and ships of Bataan. Greater even than the horrors of the Deathcamps of Germany. This last great horror of evil against God’s people will be extensive and unmerciful beyond imagination.
It will be because America, God’s standard against Evil, is too will-less to resist while we are yet free to do so.
Even now, we quietly watch as our leaders surrender our nation to the EVIL.

Surrender is not an option!
Yet like General King, our leaders are surrendering on our behalf and we will not have the honor of dying in defense of our free nation, we will die the horrible and honor-less deaths of the surrendered.
Frankly the reasons are similar; We are simply too frail, under-trained, and undisciplined to make an acceptable defense, and our government is now ensuring that we will also be under-supplied and under-funded. The circumstances appear to give us no other choice.
But that is no excuse; Remember the Alamo!

“Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.” Jeremiah 48:10

America has done both; the one follows the other.
America is the Christian nation that through rebellion has shamed the name of God. The result is a mindfame that cannot agree with God’s way of thinking.
A mind that is easily confused about what is evil. A mind that is so easily led to believe that God is evil because he does not meet our standard of right and wrong.
But again I ask; “Who died and made you GOD?” to declare;

“My God would not command we kill anyone, My God would not send anyone to Hell.”

Since your God is clearly not the God of the Holy Bible but rather a fabrication of your imagination, do us both a favor and choose a different name for your god.
Islam at least has the respect to give their God a different name before trying to convince the ignorant that our god is really their god. (“There is no God but Allah, and Mohammad is his messenger.” Is the required declaration of Islam. “God’s war on Terror - Walid Shoebat)

* * *

Christianity and America:
Since the Jews irreparably compromised the system of righteous law that God delivered to them, their faith was destroyed and their salvation lost, and the Law corrupted beyond recognition.
This is when God sent his only Begotten Son to provide them the means of salvation fully outside their confused rules and regulations. This was not some option B, but a part of the plan already laid out before the foundations of the world. (I Peter 1:20) And as expected they rejected that salvation so God set them aside for an undisclosed period of time as the space between Daniel 9:26 and 27, to offer salvation to the Gentiles (Non-Jews).
This is the period of the Christian faith.
This is the faith of America’s founders.
This is the period of which the angel of Zechariah 1:12 cried; “How Long?”
Of which the LORD replied; Until the carpenters “cast out the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted up their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it.” Zechariah 1:21c

Our Founders with deep investigation of scripture, understood the purpose and necessity of God's law. But they also understood this period of Grace somewhat outside the law, but not in conflict with the law.
With this deeply complex understanding of the heart of God, our Founders gave us a form of government that applied in a Divine way both the Law and the Grace, fulfilling the metaphor of the Sanctuary Priest’s hair.

Grace gave every man the freedom to seek life, liberty, and happiness without fear, in the convictions of his own heart. And the Law provided the parameters that could maintain the Grace in proper balance.

Grace was the wisdom that caused the framers to apply the intent of the Law of God without the strict demands of the law;

Stone the adulterer became; Adultery is unlawful by public rejection.
Kill the Sodomite became; Our laws do not sanction, protect or benefit Homosexuals.
Stone rebellious children became; Juvenile rehabilitation services.
Abortion is an abomination unto God became; Abortion is unlawful.
Etc. etc.
Our American laws were a masterful application of true understanding of what God intended all along! The knowledge that God’s laws are really recommendations of what is best for us, caused our framers to give us both freedom and responsibility to obey God from the heart, not from the throne.
To create a successful society of laws with such a balance of grace is a miracle of the greatest magnitude never before seen!
Truly America was the physical kingdom of Christ on earth even before he returns!

In the metaphor of the Sanctuary Priest’s hair, Some American citizens kept it cut fairly short, some kept it a bit longer, some went back and forth from shorter to longer and back again. All within the acceptable parameters. Each to his own liking.
Capital Punishment was the last resort when crimes against the Law of God and man could no longer be covered by grace. The American Judicial System is the representation of the Sanctuary priests holding down a wayward priest who let his hair grow too long, and cut it off to avoid the wrath of God.

I do not support our Government delivering Capital Punishment to Homosexuals in America, not because it would be evil, but because the world is now in the Times of the Gentiles under a period of Grace. Each man is free before God to conduct his life in his personal exploration to find the right way. But because God is very clear as to his wrath against Sodomy found among his people, (Romans 1:24-32) And the response he expects, I do support the Judicial System to judge such excessive crimes against God and man for the purpose of keeping America healthy and non-offensive to God. According to our consistent God, Sodomy is some very long hair of the priest, but so are many other offenses we now deem as tolerable.
America is due for a haircut! And when God does it, it is not a pleasant experience.
We could still avoid it, if we would just do it ourselves. But because we are Christ's priests (Revelation 1:6), it will happen one way or the other.

* * *

How is Islam a twisting of God’s laws?
Since Allah’s laws and God’s laws appear alarmingly similar, why can we say God’s are righteous and Allah’s are unrighteous?
This question is very difficult when trying to explain it in words only.
The spirit of the law is what activates the law. So while the two gods may have similar words, the results are nothing alike;
When Hitler liberated the neighboring nations, the people groaned under the new oppression.
From a western perspective it is impossible to comprehend how what he did could be called liberation.
The word is the same, but the result showed it to be as opposite as possible.
The Japanese liberated Bataan. And those poor people longed for the liberation to end.

Islam is evil not because Allah commands his own similar version of capital punishment for crimes against him… Islam is evil because Allah has stolen the creation of another and then corrupted it.
"Go make your own world to destroy if you can, this one was made by the Jewish/Christian God." But Allah cannot because Satan is a destroyer not a creator. The modern example of this truth is the condition of the lands of the Middle East, especially the differences between Jewish controlled and Muslim controlled.

Islam is EVIL not because Allah created his own faith, but because he has stolen God’s faith, twisted it to be fully perverse, and then claimed it to be his own creation.
This is the meaning of Anti-Christ.

Not one who is opposed to Christ, but one who replaces Christ pretending to be Christ with everything opposite.
Satan is attempting to be God by destroying everything we know of God. Not by replacing it with something he thinks is better, but by “evolving” what is God’s, to be something it is not. Something EVIL… and then claiming it for himself.
Evolution is a fine example of this evil.

Islam is not a competitor, Islam is an Impostor! This is what makes it EVIL.

This is the spirit of Antichrist I have been showing you through the past several posts before we move on into Revelation chapter 17 to examine the last Gentile GDE.

* * *

I have really questioned the wisdom of posting this one.
After all, if the Apostle Paul himself did not go there (I Corinthians 3:1-3) what makes me think I should?
In prayer I am convinced this material is now needed in preparation for the days coming.
I believe it is now the time such meat should be shared.
“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler 2525 over his (the lord’s) household, to give them meat in due season?
Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.”
Matthew 24:45-46
In this verse ruler simply means appointed one.

It is my prayer that many milk drinkers can graduate to a fuller diet without too much stomach problems:
“Whom shall he teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept;
Line upon line, line upon line; Here a little, and there a little:
For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.
To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: …”
Isaiah 28:9-12a
Clearly the right way is a long and diligent study, I pray you do not fall from weariness but are energized by the spirit of God. Do not follow the example of the erra that came before;

“…yet they would not hear.
But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept: line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.”
Isaiah 28:12b-13

The curious casual observer will not take the time to learn the many small parts needed to add up to such concepts of truth that is the “rest” for your tormented soul.
Take the curiosity and intentionally develop a genuine interest.
Take the genuine interest and develop a deep hunger for the Living God while there is yet time!

* * * * * * *

*1 Glenn Beck, right or wrong?
We can no longer rely on the truth always being the one to walk into the scene dressed in white with a big peroxide grin as was the sure identification in the old black and white movies. The lines have been blurred, good and evil now look very much alike and are ever growing harder to distinguish now wearing each others clothes.
If you swallow every thought of Mr. Beck then you are failing to listen to him; he himself says; “don’t believe everything you hear from Glenn Beck”.
The reason why I can still recommend his show, is because he is speaking from the white clothes of an honest man. His research is honest, his documentations are presented, his information is available for scrutiny. He is not hiding an agenda.
That does not mean he is always right, nor does he claim to be. Nor should you think he is.
I have presented my concerns for the error of his core religious value that will surely lead to error, but with wisdom we can navigate through those mines. Religion and faith are not his worthy field, but honest evaluation of temporal reality is. That reality, clearly shows the inseparable connection with the Creator, and he rightly shows this truth.

Regarding his book; “The 7: Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life” by Glenn Beck and Keith Ablow (Jan 4, 2011), it should be an easy sign to even the simple Christians that this man's faith is foundationally misguided.
My primary argument with his religious values can be explained as “Evolution of the Faith”. The Evolutionist sees the creation exactly as it is, but explains its success without the all-necessary Maker. Mr. Beck and Mr. Ablow have done this with the success of life.
Sure they tossed God into the list as a 1/7th component to the formula, but in this way God is just one tool to achieve the Goal of happiness, and not the goal itself.
If he were to write a book; “Happiness Is Found in 7: Seven Women” and identify No. 2 as your wife, would that make her happy that she at least made the list?

Is there help in the seven wonders they present? Yes there is, but those “wonders” are but God’s tools for God’s purpose, not your tools for your own happiness. The discrepancy is again the perspective. That perspective changes everything.

*2 The Alamo ( Produced in 1960 Directed and stared by John Wayne, this original is not to be confused with the later remake.

*3 The Pre-Alamo History
The eventual success in the end result of an independent Free Texas allows us to conveniently ignore the details of chaotic events of internal and external turmoil that resulted in the under supplied, under manned, and unprepared conflict that resulted in the deaths of these great men. The “Runaway Scrape” was just one part of the package failure; “Word that Santa Anna himself was leading an army to crush the Texas rebellion cause panic back in Texas as scores of Texans packed what they could into covered wagons and left their homes in terror fleeing the approaching army. This became known as the Runaway Scrape and occurred just prior to the fall of the Alamo.” -
*3b Biography of Santa Anna
Such lessons if examined can be very valuable instruction for future conflicts, but rarely are used. My Blog is an attempt to review in part such historical lessons in a defined way for understanding the conflicts soon to come upon the world.

*4 “Ghosts of Battan” 2005 Documentary, History, Military Channel version, among many others of unknown quality with similar names.

“Ghost Soldiers” by Hampton Sides - Review:
“The Bataan Death March was just the beginning of the woes American soldiers captured by the Japanese army in the Philippines had to endure. The survivors of the march faced not only their captors' regular brutality (having surrendered, they were considered to be less than honorable foes), but also a host of illnesses such as dysentery and malaria. For three years these "ghost soldiers" lived in misery, suffering terrible losses.
When Army Rangers among Douglas MacArthur's forces arrived in the Philippines, they hatched a daring plan to liberate their captured comrades, a mission that, if successful, would prove to be a tremendous morale booster at the front and at home. Led by a young officer named Henry Mucci (called "Little MacArthur" for his constant pipe as well as his brilliance as a strategist), a combined Ranger and Filipino guerrilla force penetrated far behind enemy lines, attacked Japanese forces guarding Allied prisoners at a jungle outpost called Cabanatuan, and shepherded hundreds of prisoners to safety, with an angry Japanese army in hot pursuit. Amazingly, they suffered only light casualties.
In Ghost Soldiers, journalist Hampton Sides recounts that daring rescue, once known to every American schoolchild but now long forgotten. A gifted storyteller, Sides packs his narrative with detailed descriptions of the principal actors on both sides of the struggle and with moments of danger and exhilaration. Thrilling from start to finish, his book celebrates the heroism of hundreds of warriors and brings renewed attention to one of the Rangers' finest hours.”
- (
Listed here only as a reference to the history, the authenticity of the details in this book are unread and unverified by me.

*5 Qur’an - Kill all none-believers:
Qur’an 9:123 “O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty unto Him.”
Qur’an 9:29 “Make war upon such of those to whom the scriptures have been given (Christians and Jews) as believe not in God (Allah) and have forbidden His Apostle, and profess not the professor of truth, until they pay tribute out of hand, and they be humbled”
Qur’an 9:73 “O Prophet! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be harsh against them”
Qur’an 47:4 “Strike off the heads of the disbelievers,’ and after making a ‘great slaughter among them,’ carefully tie up the remaining captives”
Qur’an 4:104 “Relent not in pursuit of the enemy”
Ishaq: 204 “Yes. In swearing allegiance to him we are pledging to wage war against all mankind”
Ishaq: 471“We are steadfast trusting Him. We have a Prophet by whom we will conquer all men”
Ishaq: 574 “…And we attack continuously, wherever our enemy is found”
Etc. etc. etc.

*6 Bill Maher:
“…He is also a critic of religion and is an advisory board member of Project Reason, a foundation to promote scientific knowledge and secular values within society.” - Bill Maher by wikipedia

This type of godless but brilliant mind is a great danger to a weak and confused society who will be led to destruction by such greatness. There are sound answers to his valid arguments against Christianity, but the answers are not actually desired, a secular godless society is the desire and his arguments are but ready tools to forward his agenda.

*7 Do not revile the gods of the ruler of thy people - Exodus 22:28

Yes that last one is from God too:
As Islam takes over your country, God himself warns you not to violate their blasphemy laws.
Presently they are not the rulers of my people and I am free to honestly and publicly investigate the legitimacy of their god.
This scriptural concept of respect is how Daniel was able to be loyal to Jehovah alone, yet find himself in such favor of a Pagan king that he became second in command of the Babylonian GDE kingdom!

*8 Word Study:
Malice 2549 kakia; from 2556; badness, i.e. (subj.) depravity, or (act.) malignity, or (pass) trouble.
2556 kakos; apparently a primary word; worthless (intrinsically such; whereas 4190 prop. Refers to effects), i.e. (subjective) depraved, or (objectively) injurious.
I Corinthians 5:8
I Corinthians 14:20
Ephesians 4:31
Colossians 3:8
Titus 3:3
I Peter 2:1
All the above references are significant when read together in understanding the affects of Malice.

Guile 1388 dolos; (OT 4820) from an obscure primary dello (probably meaning to decoy; …a trick (bait), i.e. (figuratively) wile.
Psalm 32:2
Psalm 34:13
Psalm 55:11
II Corinthians 12:16
I Thessalonians 2:3
I Peter 2:1
I Peter 2:22
I Peter 3:10
Revelation 14:5

Hypocrisy 5272 hupokrisis; from 5271; acting under a feigned part, i.e. (figuratively) deceit (“hypocrisy”)
Matthew 23:28
Mark 12:15
Luke 12:1
Titus 4:2
James 3:17

Envy 5355 phthonos;(OT 7068); probably akin to the base of 5351; ill-will (as detraction), i.e. jealousy (spite)
Job 5:2
Proverbs 14:30, 27:4
Ezekiel 35:11
Romans 1:29
Philippians 1:15
Galatians 5:26
I Timothy 6:4
Titus 3:3
James 3:14, 16, 4:5

I have included this list of definitions here and these references because it is simply a part of our nature to assume we are never at fault. “That does not apply to me, that is for someone else, My relationship with God is good.”
May I suggest you set aside your evaluation of you for a moment, and take up God’s evaluation of you, just to make sure everything is OK. In otherwords, check the length of your priestly hair!

Do a quick study of these words so that you really understand their meaning. Read the passages to see how the word is used in each case.
Then take a moment with each word and be honest with yourself;
“Do I find this to be a natural problem in my life that I have just learned to deal with?”

If the answer is anything but an easy “No.” then there is so much more nourishment you can get from God’s word than what you are receiving.
It may be time to lay off the smooth milk, and upgrade to a more serious study of the word for the purpose of chewing on passages of personal application that presently seem “too hard to figure out”.
Until then, don’t even think about trying to interpret, understand, implement or share this post! You’ll do nothing but get it wrong.
This specific post is only for the meat eaters!

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