Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Reading Signs

Post 186

I am aware that last post was not the Seventy Weeks of Daniel that I expected it to be.
And neither will this one be.
As I sat down to finish that post, it became clear to me that the LORD was not interested in continuing with me while I covered old material. He has other topics in mind for our time together.
If you are unfamiliar with the 70 weeks of Daniel, then you have been wasting your time, you need to catch up! That material has been well covered by many.
If you wait for me to post everything for your easy reading, then you are not a participant but a spectator. The Seventy Weeks of Daniel are found in Daniel 9 and are ended with the Time of Jacob’s Trouble found first in Genesis 34:30, and is lightly cryptic in Psalm 20:1, and is specifically prophesied in Jeremiah 30:7. I encourage you to begin your own exploration and research to become an active participant.

I do hope to eventually get back to this topic, but for now the LORD seems to be interested in fresh material.
I am excited to share with you how this awareness transpired but that will have to wait for another time.

* * *

Reading Signs:
Road signs are posted for every traveler, but to be honest I could not read the roadsigns in Japan. Why not?
Because I was unfamiliar with the format in which they were written.
The Japanese highway department was not trying to be cryptic or exclusive, and it was not their fault I could not read them.
It was my problem for not becoming familiar with the culture in which the signs were formatted.
The Earth was made by God. The roadsigns of life are written in a format that makes sense to those familiar with that culture.
God is not trying to be exclusive but the signs were not written to foreigners. If you want to read the signs you need to become familiar with the culture of God for which they were written.

* * *

I had an interesting conversation this morning with a biologist who just returned from banding birds in the north.
This year he saw a great decline in the numbers normally encountered.
He is more convinced than ever that we are entering another period of great extinction, the likes of which the earth has not seen for millions of years.

Having had conversations with him in the past I am aware of his scientific perspective by which he arrives at his conclusions, and to his mind they are irrefutably; logical, mathematical, geologically recorded, and confirmed in many, many ways.
You simply cannot quickly argue with conclusions of this reasoning.
All the signs point to the sure and positive proof that mankind is facing global extinction as a species that has not achieved sustainability in time to avoid it. We are destroying our planet and creating our own environmental extermination.

I have tried in the past to discuss the flaws in each of his foundational evidences, but there are so many foundational evidences that his logic just can’t be wrong!
“So what” if I am able in a three hours conversation, to show him the error of 9, in his list of 60 evidences (so to speak)?
He shakes his head at me as an ignorant, foolish, blind, religious nut, which he simply cannot take the excessive time to educate with his vast scientific knowledge.
He knows I am convinced that I am right, so such an effort would be fruitless anyway… and he is right.
But not for the reasons he thinks.

I am very interested in the details of his reasoning arguments, I enjoy the exploration of theory to see if it holds up, and with science and logic I can already show most of his to be clearly in error. I am greatly interested in the ones I have not yet explored.
But because I refuse to simply accept the source of his science, he deems me a fool and unworthy of such a dialog of intellect beyond the surface.
While I am interested in analyzing his source information, he is interested in expounding on the findings. To him the findings are the important topic while to me, if the information is flawed the findings are irrelevant.

Don’t most Christians feel his same frustration regarding people like him who reject our source of science? With a mindset of superiority in understanding, we turn off even the curious to our logic. And in fact, most Christians have precious little reasonable logic but rather base their faith on faith alone.

While this is indeed enough to be saved… IF you have the right faith,
it does little for helping anyone else, and even less for assuring that you do indeed have the correct faith.
What makes you confident that yours is the correct faith, and the Islamist the wrong one?
After all, they feel just as confident in the reverse.

We have already learned in previous posts that we cannot trust our heart as it is deceitfully wicked above everything else, (Jeremiah 17:9) yet I am shocked how many Christians are sure their faith is right because they feel it in their heart.

So in the face of the science of a biological scientist, we “feel” our faith is true while his science is flawed?
This is a very poor argument for anything but a fantasy!

* * *

So how is it possible to find the truth?
As my last post indicated, the truth is exponentially getting harder to find.
We need to find it, and document it now, while there is still time!
And so there are many doing just that.
But it won’t do you any good if you are not receiving their work now, while you still can.

“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19 *1

Some of my favorite ready sources for quick distribution are DVDs: *2
Illustra Media for biological science,
Institute for Creation Research for geological science,
wallbuilders for political history,
Truth Project for a fresh way of understanding reality,
and Institute in Basic Life Principles for practical application.

These are of the highest quality in both content and production; every Christian home should skip a meal just to obtain at least a copy from each of these. I have not found anything these companies produce that I cannot highly recommend! (And I am a severe critic!)
I urge you to quickly educate yourselves and your family in the truth of this material.

* * *

How to respond:
This morning I listened as this biologist expounded on his data and all that it means pointing to the foundational concept that sources his own information gathering:
Man is a virus on the earth destroying the natural evolution of the planet.

True to scripture, There is not a false religion on the planet that the scripture does not already address… (including fabricated Christian proofs! *3)

So what does the scripture have to say regarding this human caused global destruction theory?
Well, first we have to define what we mean by this! (Why is nothing just simple?!)

* * *

Define Human Caused:
To do this, lets use a previous historical example:

Christians believe there was a global flood.
But what caused that flood?
Scripture declares the flood was due to man’s sin. *4
Religiously this is easy to accept.
But how to translate that into science is another matter!

Lets assume for a moment that the Pagan scientist also accepts that there was a global flood from the plethora of geological evidences. (DVD: "Mount St. Helens, Explosive Evidence For Catastrophe" by Institute for Creation Research)
What caused the flood?
This is a very good question, and the scriptures give us clues.
But even more important than the science of the event, is the actual cause.
We can conclude by scripture that if man had not sinned, there would have been no flood. *4 But showing the science of that is impossible so far.
Why? Because we simply have not discovered the scientific law that made it happen.
I propose this lack of finding is due to a lack of looking.

All reality is based on unchangeable laws.
Before the laws are discovered, man sees the results as magic.
But after the laws are discovered, man sees the results as; “of course” it was expected.
The laws never change, only our perception of the laws. But there is very significant differences in our reaction depending on the perception we have.

There is a law of sin that has a predictable affect on temporal reality.
We are shown this law in the Adamic fall of man.
Adam’s sin changed the environment in a very real way. (Genesis 3:17-19 God is not arbitrary, though the passage allows us this perception.)
Because we Christians don’t understand this scientifically, we just accept it as faith, and the scientist adds it to the list of “mindless religion” because they have not discovered the law that makes it predictable.

This is not magic, or illusion, or even supernatural per-Se, it is science not yet discovered.
This concept does not diminish the authority of God; it confirms it.
God is the Creator.
The laws are His.
And His laws are consistent; to be used as a reference for comprehending the uniqueness of rare events. (Deuteronomy 4:32-36, Job 12:7-9, II Peter 1:19)

The godless scientist views virtually everything through the lens of godlessness.
Everything he sees is understood (perceived) to show that there is no Creator.
He spends his energy trying to prove there is no God.

The godly scientist views the same information through a lens of God.
Everything he sees is understood (perceived) to show that there is a Creator.
He spends his time trying to understand reality as provided from God.

The battle is not the information.
The battle is the interpretation of the information.

If all is done in fairness and open equality the results should become evident in time...whatever they be.

* * *

Enter quasi-science.
When mankind is so sure his understanding is correct but the evidence does not quite prove it, his wicked nature fills in the gaps with “stuff” to push forward his understanding with quasi-proof. *5
Now before we start throwing rocks at the Pagan scientist, I find many so called Christians taking this same wicked course to push their own unverifiable faith. And though it is a natural tendency, this is offensive to God from either side. *6

True science is simply the honest exploration of reality in a traceable method.
The angle or agenda from which the research is honestly done is not the sin. Neither is an honest theory used in the investigation, even if it later turns out to be wrong.
The fabrication of science is.

The reason the fabrication of science is sin is because the resulting conclusion is confidently based upon a lie. A falsehood. Not reality.
Those who trust the scientist then propagate the corrupt science they received by those they trusted. They themselves are trusted and so the information they pass on is trusted.
And so the lie is unwittingly passed on by honest people with respected character and sources.

* * *

The Big Bang and the Billions of years of time elapsed needed to produce Evolution, is “proven” by the fabrication of necessary parts to the science.
The math does not work but they are so sure they are right, they simply invent the missing elements to make the math work.
This is the source of Dark Matter, which makes it necessary to also fabricate Dark Energy, etc. etc. etc.
Science has left the field of exploring reality in the attempt to explain it, and has now entered the field of scientific mysticism to explain reality as they want to believe it.

The biologist with whom I conversed is not aware of the methods used to arrive at his information, he simply believes the conclusions of the scientists.
And why wouldn’t he? It does not cross his mind to doubt the science.
After all, once you go down that road there is nothing that can be trusted!

* * *

Truth is that which relates to reality.
In the old black and white cowboy movies, we are told that men were challenged to the death for telling lies. The theory is that life was so fragile that a man’s word could save or end life if trusted;

“There is a spring 63 miles in that direction into the desert.”

But once lies are spread and accepted as common truth, how can we ever sort through the information to find the truth? Once lies effectively replace truth in our minds, our functional perspective of reality is also warped perhaps beyond recovery.

"157 people have traveled 63 miles in that direction and not one of them has come back. That proves the spring is there, so I'm going. Your a fool for staying behind... In fact they should make a law to MAKE YOU GO because your so stupid."

But before I go, I simply want to know; "Who said that in the first place?"
"Wasn't it Mr. I.B. Lion? the man who has been trying to steel our land for the past who-knows-how-long?"

To me, the source and verification are important...
and I'd really like to discuss your evidence of proof!

This possibility of fatal err is precisely why I include so much documentation in my blog. I am not above error.
I do not claim to know all truth. I evaluate and show my work, as a mental scientist I search for truth. I look for reason that can be evidenced and tested. And I use my own life as a test subject for many theories.

Yes, I readily admit my lens is godly. I expect to find God in what I see. But I diligently purpose not to invent God in what I find. He is either there or not. But when I do find him in my exploration, it cannot be said to be because my work is flawed.
I offer my research openly for all to critique.

Perhaps someone can find error in my work, I earnestly hope such err to be found quickly so that I can correct it. I am not attempting to prove my theories are fact, I am attempting to find fact with my theories. *7
As should be, my theories are not written in stone, they are tools used to find truth. Truth is written in stone.

So did man cause the flood?
Yes he did, but not in the way the scientist is looking for.

So is man causing this coming global extinction?
Yes he is, but not in the way the scientist is thinking.

According to the Pagan science of "man caused global warming"; The great flood of Noah was due to our collective urination on the lawn.

* * *

So getting back to the biologist.
We both agree the earth is facing some significant changes, though our understanding of those changes may vary.
I did not attempt to prove him wrong. That would be an unending conversation.
What I left him with is what God himself already designed in the events of prophecy to void the whole; “Man is destroying the planet with his pollution” theory.

God knew at this time in history, man would be greatly concerned about this issue.
This is why the scripture does not make a big deal about the increase of violent weather, fires, famines and plagues.
Yes these will all increase in the last days, but Jesus himself, knowing man would misread the signs, said these are not signs of the end, but only pre-sign signs. (Matthew 24:7-8)
The big events that shows the end... Are Cosmic!
The sun and moon go dark, asteroids fall to the earth in great numbers, the stars themselves move from their place in the sky, The earth will shake as never before. (Matthew 24:29, Isaiah 34:4, Revelation 6:12-14 and others)
These are events that cannot possibly have anything to do with man’s physical action or lack of action on the earth. There is not a respectable scientist anywhere that will try to sell that!

The number of cars we drive or the kind of hair spray we choose, cannot possibly have anything to do with great earthquakes or the sun or the stars!
God has made sure to design the system so that in the day of his wrath all mankind will know what befalls the earth will NOT be due to man’s relative conduct, but like the earth growing weeds, like the great flood of Noah, what befalls the earth IS due to man’s spiritual conduct.
These cosmic signs are God's proof to man that it is God himself judging man for his wickedness. God does not want anyone to miss that roadsign!
And we know they wont;
"And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
Revelation 6:15-17

No, this spiritual cause for temporal catastrophe cannot yet be explained in temporal science...yet. But the reason is because science has not been investigating it. In stead of trying to prove God does not exist by proving his claims are false, science has been fruitlessly trying to prove God does not exist by fabricating reality void of God.
Regardless, the law of sin is science just as the biological changes to the early earth are a result of Adam’s first sin. If this was not discoverable God would not have included it in scripture.

The reality of the spiritual realm works as sure as the reality of the temporal realm. They are not independent, but work on each other just as the law of lift works in conjunction with the law of gravity.
An airplane does not fly by magic, nor by miracle, but by properly applying these laws.

It is my theory that the soon coming Anti-Christ will obtain knowledge of these laws, and using them to his advantage will convince everyone that he is God by producing "miracles". (Matthew 24:24, John 4:48, II Thessalonians 2:9)
Ignorant Christians are shaken in faith to think that anyone but God might do miracles, but God already told us he would. (Revelation 13:13-14)

* * *

The problem today is a very mysterious trend to firmly and aggressively believe in a theory that is full of holes, and to demand that all others also believe their theory.

It has rightly been said that you cannot reason with an unreasonable man.
But why is the man unreasonable?
What makes the evolutionist so aggressively declare the Creationist a fool, while at the same time demanding blind acceptance of a theory utterly supported by foolishness?
Are they not just two theories that should be honestly tested, to stand or fall on their own merits?

What makes the Big Bang theory so unquestionable?
Is it not just a theory that should prove itself right or wrong?
Does something true actually need protection against serious investigation?

There is something going on in modern times that simply makes no sense.
It seems that the mind of reason has died.
But when?
When did reason die?

America was once the greatest nation the planet ever knew.
We were the wealthiest,
The most free for all our classes,
The most creative, the most productive,
The most useful to the entire world.
We were the most powerful yet the most benevolent,
We were not exclusive, but willing to share our knowledge and values and wealth with the world.
And we were the happiest nation on the globe.

Yet our own citizens now want to tear it down and remold it to socialism and worse though there has never been a socialist nation to equal, let alone surpass, the wonder of this great nation.
This militant aggression to destroy such a nation makes no sense.

Can anyone explain this to me better than God?
“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”…
Romans 1:21-22

* * * * * * *

*1 The Meaning:
I cannot be more clear when I use the analogy that our Titanic is sinking. The enemy is coming in like a flood.
In my analogy my primary focus is to represent America, but this also represents the World system as we know it. Hence the rise of the next GDE (Global Dominate Empire).

I am aware that this passage is couched in a practical and physical appearance of the Redeemer to Zion when “he” the Devil comes in like a flood. But it cannot be denied that the West and the East are both a primary focus of this passage too.
This verse has several very real applications as the degrees and times of the evil appears in this way. The enemy referenced here as “he” is clearly referring to the Devil as the ultimate commander of evil, though also referencing “he” as the Devil’s minions, such as the GDE, that present a physical attack, and the ultimate Man of Sin in the last day.
It also refers to your local authorities as men of darkness legislate their values.

These listed companies and many others are indeed fulfillment of this passage in their degree of God’s standard being raised against the flood of Evil as Evolution and like "sciences".
But a standard is not a weapon.
It is a flag under which the troops gather to a specific cause or leader.
The flag of real science is being raised as the flag of Evolution brings in its troops as a flood.
We are the troops under the Standard of God, but we must be trained (educated) to be useful. It is your job to find and use the training!
I am only sharing with you small glimpses of what I am learning, you need to be finding yourself curious enough to start looking into these things for yourself!
It is time to lay down the things that waste your time and take up the things that will change your life! (Romans 12:2, Hebrews 12:1)

*2 Some of my favorite ready sources for quick distribution are copied here in case the links don’t work, simply copy and paste to your browser:

( for biological science,
( for geological science,
( for political history,
( for a fresh way of understanding reality,
( for practical application of universal laws.

*3 Lies and deception are wrong on both sides:
“Will ye speak wickedly for God? and talk deceitfully for him?” Job 13:7
“Whilst it (the flag plant) is yet in his greenness, and not cut down, it withereth before any other herb. So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hypocrite’s hope shall perish:” Job 8:12-13
Regarding the council of Job’s “wise” Friends: “Surely I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to reason with God. But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value.” Job 13:3-4

*4 Sin Caused Flood:
Genesis 6:5-8,11-13,17
II Peter 2:5

*5 Fabricated Facts:
“For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.” Psalm 109:2
“The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.” Proverbs 11:18
“The thoughts of the righteous are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceit.” Proverbs 12:5

*6 Accountable Though Ignorant:
“Shall I count them pure with the wicked balances, and with the bag of deceitful weights?” Micah 6:11
This passage does not require the possessor of these corrupt scales to have knowledge of the corruption. The use of corrupted scales is the sin, knowledge or ignorance does not matter.
This is why it is so very important to know the truth of your source.
Not long ago we all learned in school how to resource our information so that the reader could follow how we arrived at our conclusions. This way he could come to his own conclusions not based on our opinion but on the source information we documented.
This passage refers to corrupted balances and misleading values.
Picture taking your gold to the bank to sell. If the banker uses a balance with intentionally mislabeled weights, you will think you are receiving fair market price when in fact you are being robbed. The bag is what holds those mislabeled weights he uses.

Suppose the banker in ignorance bought the bag and scales with good intentions?
The seller sold him the poorly made product, receiving the value of a high quality product.
Will you be less robbed because the banker does not know his scales are off?
“Shall I count them pure with the wicked balances, and with the bag of deceitful weights?” Micah 6:11

I do not hold the biologist intentionally wrong. But he is still responsible for his beliefs and for the error of those he teaches his wrong information.
By using corrupt information he is robbing his listeners of truth.

*7 Prove me Wrong:
I eagerly accept logical criticism with the following parameters:
I understand my theories and theirs are based on diametrically opposed foundational values,
Therefore I critique other theories using the flaws found in their own base information.
I likewise expect critics to show me the flaws in my own base information.
To argue points with cross theory information is simply to pointlessly argue theories.
But because both our theories are found in many of the same information, we can discuss the nuances of the information to discover the potential flaws in our theories.

I have the advantage because I have the owners manual written by the Creator so I start with true information even if I don’t understand it while the godless scientist has to do a lot of research to find what is true before he can begin to try to understand it.

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