“We have gone to the capitals of our states and to the capitals of our government. We have talked to all the power brokers. The only power broker, the only seat of government that can and will solve this problem with or without us is God. It is time to return inside the walls that surround Jerusalem and stand with people of all faiths, all around the world,” Glenn said in his initial announcement.”
“In August, whether I’m there with seven people or 10 people or there alone, I will stand. I ask you to join me. I also ask you to take this message globally, to take this to every corner of the earth. If you have family living overseas, this is not an American solution. This is a people of faith solution. This is a people all over the world solution. I ask you to help get this word out.”
- Glenn Beck E-mail subscribed material received 5/20/2011
Mr. Beck himself, with impeccable timing, has fulfilled the purpose of my entire book. All that I have written is a warning accumulated in this very event. I have shown you how to interpret this event according to the Holy Bible.
This event is not a warm and fuzzy feel good action with no significant results; this event is the conception of the second half of the 4th/8th beast of Daniel 2:40-41/Revelation 17:7. You are watching the actual conception that will result in the fulfillment of a very great and significant power in world history prophesied thousands of years ago!
My book is the reasonable interpretation of real events as viewed through the reasonable prophecy of scripture. This book is needed because even today the confusion is so great and increasing exponentially.
Of all the people on the planet, who would have thought the Great Whore of the Antichrist Empire would be conceived by the one man who has been trying to stop the evil?!
His motives are pure, his research impeccable, his efforts are honorable, his sacrifice is noble, his position is by divine, his leadership flawless.
How can such a man come to such a wrong conclusion?
Because the conclusion is only wrong when viewed through the lens of Scripture… and only then, when the lens has been carefully cleaned and aimed in the divinely appointed direction.
Mr. Beck’s only flaw in all his work, is that he does not know the Jesus of the Holy Scriptures. His Jesus is of the Book of Mormon, and they are not the same.
His Jesus says; "call all faiths of all gods to solve this problem." The Jesus of the bible says; "I am the only door. Besides me there is no other."
* * *
What’s the alternative to his plan?
Mr. Beck’s plan is good, his plan is bold, it has teeth and merit, and real action.
What do I have to offer as an alternative?
A very weak and toothless alternative indeed.
I have already stated that the answer is to call to Jerusalem only those who put their trust in JEHOVAH-JIREH (*1) for the purpose of watching the God of Heaven solve this emanate problem in a miraculous way.
Yet the prophesied events of scripture have already shown that this will not be done.
So it seems that I can only offer a solution that will not work.
So what is the second best alternative solution?
To do or die, those are the alternatives available at this time… kind of.
Glenn Beck’s solution will indeed produce the desired salvation.
But just who’s desire are we speaking of?
When the desire of wayward mankind is that which angers the Maker, the Jew’s own history shows the end results are far worse than the evil standing before them that inspired the desire in the first place.
Again I remind you of the Cain Toad of Australia as applied to all the evil that has already befallen the People of God, documented in the scriptures they claim to believe.
The man who brought the Cain Toad to Australia really believed he was doing Australia a great service.
There was no secret evil desire, there was no hidden ulterior plan, An honest man with good intentions, by his pure actions of benevolence initiated a plague like problem on a nation that cannot now be fixed.
Likewise, invoking Mr. Beck’s own comical voice of mockery; “We claim to stand in the name of God by uniting people of all gods to stand together? How does that work?”
It only works if you don't "really" believe in God.
* * *
Beyond Yin and Yang:
Humanity by nature rebels against a single demand;
“If you say I must, I declare I wont!”
It honestly does not matter if the demand is good or not. It is a control issue.
So the Devil has very ingeniously incorporated the concept of Yin and Yang (*2).
If mankind has a choice, he will without conflict, evaluate between the options and choose the one that seems less unfavorable. (Our recent presidential elections as proof).
He will do this even though both options lead to his own death!
“Shall I horribly torture you for three and half years before killing you, or cut your head off now?
“I’ll take the torture please.”
Mankind is facing the greatest and purest evil the planet has ever seen:
Humanity without God can see it,
the Qur-an declares it,
and Scripture confirms it.
So naturally we are going to resist it with all we have in us.
We will formulate a plan of defense, an alternate system. We need a second option.
And so now with two options, begins the conflict of the struggle to balance one against the other as the Taoism symbol describes so well:

Which one is good? Which one is evil? How to find balance? Or is balance really the right goal?
Do we keep separate the two values as we attempt the balance, or do we blend the two into one form? or do we apply a little of both those ideas?
The symbol is an extremely good representation of these many serious questions in the application of the conflicting ideals.
And so Mr. Beck in the cosmic need for balance, will successfully introduce the much needed yang of Global Religious Democracy to the yin of Islamic despotism.
The balance will be perfect.
The cosmic call will be met.
The world will be saved.
Yin and Yang will find the universe balanced once again.
The problem with this whole warm and fuzzy value, is that both Yin and Yang are the illusion of the Dark one. The whole complex philosophy of “balance” IS the confusion!
If I have three unruly children, do I need to add three child molesters to my home in order to find balance? Or perhaps because he is bigger and stronger and is so destructive, maybe just one will do it.
While mankind is about to find the yang to add to the yin so that they will find comfort in having a choice, both the long torture and the sudden sword will end in death… just one will come sooner than the other; thus the illusion of choice.
God, the Creator GOD; The Real God, has an answer completely outside the whole balance-of-bad-choices mentality that we simpletons are so prone to desire.
In stead of two choices that both lead to death, how about the third option NOT TO DIE!?
But Glenn Beck, like many “Christians” has found his yang to oppose the yin. It fits so perfectly as the symbol describes. It gives meaning and balance to the cosmic circle.
Mr. Beck calls his yang God, and even defines it further with the name Jesus. But it is still just yang in a circle of error.
So how can I explain the alternative when the only thing recognized is the circle which yin and yang both fill up so perfectly? Even the symbol above is only an image pasted to a larger format of greater meaning.
While your mind wrestles with the cosmic forces that fill up the circle, God is calling for you to open your eyes and see the reality far larger that what has your attention! You want to talk about “thinking outside the box”? THIS is it!
Yes, The plan Mr. Beck has proposed, is a perfect yang of relief to the very black yin.
Don’t be confused as most Christians will be;
Glenn and his associates are bringing about the salvation of balance to the globe. Their plan will succeed and the world will find a balanced respite from the blackness of Radical Islam… and most Christians will be shocked and dumbfounded and have virtually nothing to say by the success. They have been looking for the blackness of the Antichrist to wage war with the Christians, because they do not know their own bible. Yes that is the eventual end result, but the thought is so “My time” self-focused and simplistic that it misses the other great events prophesied before that event occurs, and by missing the prophesied events Christians have been giving the world a map to a destination that has not yet been built.
Do not fall to the deception of the yang that will come; The deception will be the success of it! It will not be a victory but a balance. Yin and Yang.
* * *
My first section of Posts as the first book ends here generically because the rise of Islam today with the promise of the revival of the Islamic Caliphate, is the recognizable transition between the two beast kingdom elements represented by the two feet of the Nebuchadnezzar image. But my second section ends here specifically because of the suggested immediate conception of the Great Whore, which is carried by the second phase which I have labeled by exclusion as “Islam’s Left Foot.”
I have provided you with a very real aid to your comprehension of the events of history right up to August 2011. As dramatic as humanity tends to imagine everything, it is my belief that this Great Whore will be conceived and then gestate quite unnoticed for a time just as a new life in the womb. This book is your “plastic pencil” to show you the little plus sign with great meaning.
I anticipate my writing to continue in another collection describing through prophecy the Union between the Beast and the Great Whore with her wicked and glorious roll in the very near future!
The End…
* * * * * * *
(*1) Jehovah-Jireh:
“The Revelation of the Name Jehovah-Jireh, Genesis 22:12-14. The meaning of this name is The Lord Who Provides. The name is literally, The Lord Who Sees, or The Lord Who Will See To It. This is what we long for when we have a need that is personal and special; One who will see to our needs and provide for us. This is what Jehovah-Jireh means; the Lord Who will see to it that my every need is met. One Who knows my need because He sees. One Who is able to meet my need in just the right time as He did for Abraham, and One Who can meet it fully. For Abraham, it was the ram caught in the thicket that was offered in Isaac's place. For us it is whatever we need.” - Meaning of Jehovah-Jireh
JEHOVAH-JIREH 3070: from 3068 and 7200; Jehovah will see (to it); a symbolical name for Mt. Moriah.
(*2) Yin and Yang:
“In Chinese philosophy, the concept of yin yang (simplified Chinese: 阴阳; traditional Chinese: 陰陽; pinyin: yīnyáng), normally referred to in the West as "yin and yang" is used to describe how polar or seemingly contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other in turn. Opposites thus only exist in relation to each other. The concept lies at the origins of many branches of classical Chinese science and philosophy, as well as being a primary guideline of traditional Chinese medicine,[1] and a central principle of different forms of Chinese martial arts and exercise, such as baguazhang, taijiquan (tai chi), and qigong (Chi Kung) and of I Ching divination. Many natural dualities—e.g. dark and light, female and male, low and high, cold and hot— are thought of as manifestations of yin and yang (respectively).
Yin yang are complementary opposites that interact within a greater whole, as part of a dynamic system. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, but either of these aspects may manifest more strongly in particular objects, and may ebb or flow over time. The concept of yin and yang is often symbolized by various forms of the Taijitu symbol, for which it is probably best known in western cultures.
There is a perception (especially in the West) that yin and yang correspond to evil and good. However, Taoist philosophy generally discounts good/bad distinctions and other dichotomous moral judgments, in preference to the idea of balance. Confucianism (most notably the philosophy of Dong Zhongshu, c. the 2nd century BCE) did attach a moral dimension to the idea of yin and yang, but the modern sense of the term largely stems from Buddhist adaptations of Taoist philosophy.[2]” - Yin and Yang (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yin_and_yang).
[Formatting enhancements 08/01/14].
Wow! GREAT things of GOD, the deepest of INSIGHTs, PRECIOUS time with the WORD, AMAZING discoveries, new REVELATIONs, recurring recognitions, lots of ENCOURAGEMENT, broadening of the PERSPECTIVE, CORRECTING the angle, aiming HIGHER, running faster, drawing CLOSER, RESTING deeper - this is but a short list of what I've been BLESSED with by being able to witness the birth of "When Did Reason Die? #1". It's been an honor and a privilege. Thank you for your FAITHfulness! PRAISED be the LORD.
ReplyDeleteExcellent first book and I really mean that. BUT, (oh, I hate that word) you have left many empty spaces...you know, the "cohesion". When you walk a certain distance you go slowly and get a chance to see so many things (if you are looking). When you get tired of walking and catch a plane to your next resting point you have missed all that you could have learned (& taught) about the way to reach your final destination by flying over it. If you are going to reference back to the "empty spaces" in your first book by way of your second book it will be long reading. I guess I'm trying to say that "time" is important and a precise flow is easier to read than a constant..."oh, it's back on page 16" when I am reading page 58. I'm not trying to criticize. You are indeed filled with Gods blessings and you are neither blind nor deaf to them...you see them & you hear them. Now you are trying to show others what you see & hear. I just want you to do it so that even the "blind" & the "deaf" can understand and don't say that that is impossible because someone did do it for Helen Keller. Slow down, dear Sir, and make your words flow from one thought to the next with ease & simple explanation much the same as a "story teller" only your "story" is one of a man who has the "gift" of understanding...the "understanding" of Gods Love waiting for those who love Him back.
ReplyDeleteWith great respect,
Sharon Blount Cannon