Friday, November 26, 2010

Choices part II

post 131

So now that we are all thoroughly worked up over the Airport screening process
I have to ask the question;

No really.
Why is it that we don’t want the world to see us naked? Why don’t we want strangers touching us in certain places?
After all, most young women love to wear the tiniest bikinis at the public beach, and most men are very pleased they do.
Many tribes in hot climates run around every day virtually naked… And that without TSA telling them to!
So honestly, when it comes to national safety why not?

I submit the answer given by us, is the reason why so many are willing to endure what they really don’t like.
The scary part is that even most God fearing, honorable men and women have no idea why not.

National safety is a very real, very present concern in the minds of most Americans.
Why they don’t want to be seen naked is nothing more than a personal preference.
So of course they should be willing to give up a personal preference for national safety. Anybody unwilling to is simply self-centered.

Makes perfect sense.
There should not even be a discussion on this issue. Just step into the Shower Booth for your Porn Photos please, and don’t make a fuss.

As we think about it seriously, I believe most American Christians will discover that nearly all their values are really just personal preferences with no foundation.

For those still not convinced, I want you to stop reading here, think about it for bit, and actually write down your reason for not wanting to be seen naked.
Go ahead I will wait.

Go ahead.

* * *

I am convinced that you will find nearly every answer is either founded in personal preference, or so generically religious that it has no merit beyond a weak excuse.
For those of you quoting the 4th Amendment, that is not a reason, it is a protection.

So now where do we stand in our argument against this forced intrusion into our modesty? Apparently we stand on very weak ground. our real Christian values are... do I say it?... Exposed.
So why then was the 4th Amendment even written?

* * *

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
- The Bill of Rights as provided in the First Ten Amendments to the Constitution of the United States effective December 15, 1791

So why was this written?
The answer is found in the preamble of the same document;

“The conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficient ends of its institution.”

Clearly the whole purpose of the Amendments was to keep the government from abusing or using in error the power the constitution had given it.

So the 4th Amendment seen in this light, is a very clear instruction of what the government cannot misuse their power to do. Obviously the writers and the States felt the government had the nature and desire of eventually wanting to do this.
This was not to be allowed.

But those who would corrupt the actual intent and clear meaning will say, The TSA screening is not unreasonable. Yet the provided evidence is nothing more than an opinion; “To avoid terrorism” all persons must be proven to be lacking harmful items. Such a search is therefore reasonable.
Of course this flies in the face of "Innocent until Proven guilty", a foundational concept provided in our right to a jury trial. But "To avoid terrorism, we all must sacrifice our rights." Therefore it is ok if we are all now guilty until proven innocent.
Just a minor insignificant change.

This is an empty excuse, as the amendment goes on to detail said protection by requiring a warrant with probable cause.
They say terrorism is the cause, and apparently the warrant is metaphorically and generically nailed to the front door of every Airport.
But I am not a terrorist, nor am I probably a terrorist. and just because I want to board an Airplane does not place me in the probably a terrorist category.

In that warrant of probable cause is to be identified not only the items sought, but the location to search. Ok so they are looking for guns knives and bombs under your cloths.
See? It all fits within the law.
Yah, I don't think so.

Remember the purpose of the Amendments? To keep the government from misconstruction or abuse of the Constitution.
So what power does the constitution grant to the government that would require such an amendment? Clearly the intent of the screening is said to be national security.

“The Congress shall have Power to…provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States…”
Article 1 section 8
“..To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution…”
Article 1 section 8

That’s it!
That is all the power government has regarding this screening process.
So the government is granted the power to implement screening for the common defense of the United States.*1
But in implementing that power they cannot construe this power to include the specific restrictions of the 4th Amendment, which was written to protect against just such an abuse.

Therefore the screening process is a misconstruction and abuse of the power granted the government for the common defense as clearly identified by the 4th Amendment.

* * *
Ok so we have our protection guaranteed to us. But only if we want it.
So again I have to ask, Why do we want the protection not to be seen naked?

The answer is more than a moral issue.
But lets start there;

Apparently Christians are supposed to have the authoritative understanding of morals, so what is the answer?

Does anybody know?... Anybody?

If not, why do we get all mad at the government for implementing such a non-issue policy of a visual strip search?
They are simply using logic.

So are we beginning to see the simple breakdown of our society?
There doesn’t need to be some secret intent to break down our moral values to make this act of government reasonable because Christians have no idea where they get there morals from any different than non-Christians.
“My mother taught me not to show my junk to strangers” is really not a good argument.

So I have worked this long enough to give you time to think.
Have you come up with anything solid yet?
So maybe the stripper at the men’s club is really doing nothing wrong.
And maybe there is nothing wrong with your husband hanging out down there.
Maybe your husband spending time in internet porn is really nothing to complain about.
and maybe the "naked parties" at co-ed colleges is really all just good clean fun.
Perhaps public nakedness is really nothing more than a social taboo that we created out of thin air, and therefore harmlessly adopted for national safety.


* * *

But if,
just if, we actually do have a Creator, that has created us with a set of healthy morals which we are accountable to follow, then the violation of those morals would have some, perhaps unknown, consequence.

Aren’t Christians supposed to know this stuff?
Aren’t Christians supposed to be the moral compass of the nation?
So if Christians don’t know this stuff, why should the government?

Are we beginning to see how the fall of America is laid at the feet of the Christians?
Godless America is now rightfully challenging our values.
What is our answer?
I don’t know let me check with Lady Gaga?

* * *

Oops, Im out of time!
Join me on my next post to discover the answer!
in the meantime, think about it yourself.

* * * * * * *

*1 The empty excuse for this unwarrented search and seizure at the airports is for the declared reason of our Common Defense, even though they said openly they have no intention of stopping invasion at our boarders. and the Feds have actually filed lawsuits against Arizona for assuming that role upon themselves.
ARTICLE IV Section 4
"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;..." - U.S. Constitution.
So is our present government really concerned about national Defense?

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