Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Post 130

The Body Scan, or the Pat-down?
Those are your choices.
But Jannet Naploitano is so kind to offer you a third choice,
Don’t fly.

Personal Rights, or National Safety?
Oh it is so hard to make such choices!

Early in my childhood my father complained against the public school system that turned from teaching the children HOW to think, and instead began teaching them WHAT to think.
That is a concept that struck deep within me.

When someone, anyone, offers you to chose one of two choices that will affect your life, the immediate thought should be, Who is limiting my choices to these? And, What is the rational behind these being my only options?
Perhaps they are your only choices, but it is my God given right to determine that myself.
This determination is the essence of freedom.

Where is the freedom in the choice of reply to the question, “Gas Chamber, or Decapitation?”
This is a mirage. A placating of your emotions allowing you to cling to some pretense of dignity and control by giving you a temporary choice.

Naked photographs, or a thorough groping?

* * *

This did not come out of nowhere.
This is not a simplistic response to terrorism as they tell us.
This is simply one car in the long train of events taking us to the prison camps of Siberia.

Glenn Beck has been doing a fantastic job of showing us these many facts.
The Road to Serfdom
The Coming Insurrection
Rules for Radicals
George Soros
Etc. etc. etc.

This is planned, So your willingness to go along is greatly troubling.
Is it because you are overwhelmed like a deer in headlights?

Our destiny is our own. If we allow ourselves to be boiled as the frog, unwilling to jump out of the pot, our death is our own choice!
Do you imagine the frog thinks, "I shouldn't have to worry about someone boiling my water!"

* * *

Bigger Picture:
All of life is choices, but only the independent thinking mind has the ability to come up with yet better options than those offered to us by others. This is the heart and soul of the industrial revolution.
A people free to think, free to create, a people free.
If this was really about national safety, free people would be allowed to come up with a better way, less intrusive, and actually successful.

There are still far more freedom loving Americans than liberal minded Communists.
So why are we facing the fast evaporation of the last of our freedoms and dignity?

Remember I said it would not matter which party won the elections this year?
America's problems are now far greater than Republican or Democrat.
Our governments is now out of our control, and willfully doing as it pleases.
It simply does not care which party pretends to be dominate.
But the foundational documents are still in effect. The right is ours to say, NOT ON YOUR LIFE! yet the consequences show those documents are now meaningless.

This bold stand won’t work out well now unless done in mass, because the police state is already in power. We have already missed the turn in the Highway. We are traveling down the wrong road, and we have been for some time now. *1

We have a heck of a lot of backtracking to do while the liberals scream loudly that we just want to go backwards.
At least they get our point.
But backwards to what? *2

We have to go back as far as necessary until we find the point where we departed from the right road.
But there actually comes a point in which going back is virtually impossible.

* * *

What are the choices AFTER your unwed teenager discovers she is pregnant?
Suddenly the easy choices she had previously are no longer available, and now the only options are regarding a whole new set of more complex issues.

One choice leads to new choices within a set of limitations created by that choice. *3

Our enemy attacks our Nation,
We choose NOT to profile those related to that enemy.
New options:
Profile everyone, or profile no-one?
Ok Profile everyone,
New options:
Nude photographs, or thorough groping?

After each choice comes new options, but they are always limited to the previously selected category.

What happens when TSA gets busy and there are no more female agents to grope your wife?
New options:
Naked shower photographs or JimBob the Groper?

Oops, the Shower Photograph Booth just went down.
New options:
JimBob the Groper or don’t fly?

Just kidding, the Shower Photos are still available.

And you and your wife, to avoid JimBob's hands, will actually be glad to have JimBob's brother sit in the back room with his buddies and enjoy nude photos of your wife in the Shower Booth, knowing full well those photos will remain on file regardless what they tell you.
The better looking your wife, the more likely she will end up on some mans computer wall as a PlayBoy centerfold, and of course shared with all his friends.
Just job perks.

So why is it still unlawful for the landlord to have hidden cameras in the shower of his rental for college girls?
The only difference is running water,
and a voice from the speaker saying; "Excuse me miss, this is TSA, would you mind slowly turning around so we can see all of your glory from every angle? thank you."

I promise this is just the beginning, because you have stopped thinking, and like the monkey, you will learn how to obediently push the button that serves a snack to avoid getting shocked by the only other button. And while you really despise the snack, they clap gleefully that you picked the right button.

The Groping option is not for your convenience but to help you want to choose the Shower Booth Photos.
Soon the Nude Photos will become more desirable than the shame and inconvenience of public groping, and we will all give up trying to protect our dignity and step into the shower Booth.
Think back 28 years to 1982.
If you saw a sifi movie like "Blade Runner" and saw a scene where government officers organized a system where they lined up obedient citizens to have full body nude photos taken in booths on the sidewalk for national reasons, would you think that was "too far out there" to believe really plausible, yet a creative idea of the future, like the movie's "Replicants"? *4

Then there are us self righteous few, who look down on the button pushers.
We feel we can avoid the problem by refusing to fly because we will not submit to such breaches in our human rights.

Then what do you know?!
New Shower Booths will soon materialize in all federal buildings.
Now what happened to the "Don't Fly" option?
Then all public buildings...
The net grows smaller and smaller.

During the Holocaust, whole railcars of women at a time were stripped naked, and obediently marched into the
“showers” where they were gassed to death before being stuffed into ovens. *5

This is why I rebelled back when TSA made me take off my shoes and undo my belt buckle so they could play with my zipper when trying to board an airplane only 2 years ago.
But like you, I learned to put up with it.

The Choices we are given are no choices at all.
We should not be anywhere near here!

These are all signs that you are not on the road to Anchorage. *1
In fact you’re not even in Kansas anymore! *6

* * *

Perfect Storm:
Now if everything in America was looking good, we could shrug this one off as an anomaly that could be straightened out in time.
But this is not a seasonal storm.

The very dark clouds we are watching come our way is not even as insignificant as The Storm Of The Century.
Katrina was a Sunday afternoon bath in comparison.

There are far too many national and global events in play not to provide The Perfect Storm, far worse than the meteorological one, which coined the term. *7

While Glenn Beck is showing you all the many and sizable Temporal elements that make up this storm, I am showing you the Spiritual elements.
The combination makes this one, The Perfect Storm.

* * * * * * *

*1 Previous post - All Roads Lead To God -
See Also, Whose Fault? -

*2 Result Of Rejecting The Creator God Theory -

*3 The Dead Priest - full text II Samuel 6:1-8
6:6-7 “And when they came to Nachon’s threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it.
And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God.”

At the end of several wrong choices by those in the drivers seat, Uzzah was left with two very bad options; let the Ark fall, or steady it and die.
"Gas Chamber or Decapitation?"

*4 1982 movie: Blade Runner -

*5 Not to get off topic, but just how hard would it be for them to "turn up the heat" on the ex-rays to accomplish the same thing a bit more conveniently?

*6 Reference to the famous line in the 1938 film, “The Wizard Of Oz” based on the book by L. Frank Baum. -

*7 The Perfect Storm - The U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NWS Natural Disaster Survey Report called the storm "The Halloween Nor’easter of 1991". The "perfect storm" moniker was coined by author and journalist Sebastian Junger after a conversation with NWS Boston Deputy Meteorologist Robert Case in which Case described the convergence of weather conditions as being "perfect" for the formation of such a storm.

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