post 127

Tired of being groped and photographed in the nude by strangers at the airport?
I am offering my private plane for select customers…
Just a bit of required enhanced pre-screening and were off!
(I don't have all the fancy screening equipment so you will have to disrobe yourself,
I promise I wont post the photos on the internet!)
Due to limited space; only thin, attractive, young women need apply.
I’m sure you’ll understand my "random selection" process.
Additional screening available for first class customers.
Call me!
* * *
If you don't have a problem with this, you are part of the problem.
If you do have a problem with it, do you plan to fly while this TSA Touch-and-Feel and/or unpaid-porn-photo-session program is in effect?
If this government program is OK with you, I ask, Is there anything the Federal government could do nationally that would cause you to say; "NOT ON YOUR LIFE!"?
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So why did this topic make it into my blog?
Because in my post regarding Surveillance*1 I showed the biblical prophecy telling us the lengths to which the government will go. They will have 24/7 audio and video cameras in virtually every room in your home.
Last week this would be thought impossible, but America's willingness to be groped and photographed naked pretty much makes home monitors plenty acceptable.
Only a few year ago many of us complained loudly when they made us take off our shoes and unbuckle our belts.
But we were called extremists and conspiracy freaks.
Today the government wants to molest you, your wife and your children.
but in the name of safety most say; "Sure, go ahead."
The news reports toddlers screaming and kicking as some strange person fondles them in their "private place" as hundreds stand by watching quietly!*2
It is reported in some countries that the full body screening violates their Child Pornography laws!
Am I accusing "everyone" when I shouldn't?
All you have to do is look at the lines still at the airport waiting to be screened to determine that truth.
There should not be a singe ticketed passenger at any commercial airlines in the nation.
The empty airports and passenger-less airplanes would show that Americans refuse to accept this violation.
But the airports are still full of passenger, though they feel they have done their righteous duty by whining about the process while some stranger feels them up.
In the Holocaust the Jews had to first be deposited into concentration camps before being subjected to such violations, but here in America by the thousands we walk away after being groped, or step out of the pornographic screening machines declaring; "We are still free...and safe!"
Sure we may kick up a successful fuss, and they may "back burner" their new screening somewhat for a while, and we will get used to each new step a little bit at a time until they bring it back un-objected.
But because we put up with this in the name of safety, the next logical step in the new enhanced screening will one day soon be Cavity Searches. Yet who really cares after you have accepted public sexual assault?
The Jews were lead quietly to the gas chambers because of civility.
And so will America.
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*1 The flying roll post regarding security -
*3 Janet Napolitano - "Homeland security officials on Monday defended heightened airport security screening measures but said they would consider adjustments to new rigorous patdowns after complaints from travelers.
With the busy holiday travel season about to begin, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano made it clear that new full-body scan checks would become the routine as hundreds of the machines are installed at U.S. airports and that the alternative would be physical patdowns.
“If there are adjustments we need to make to these procedures as we move forward, we have an open ear; we will listen,” she told reporters during a news conference at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport."
*4 "You touch my junk and I'm gonna have you arrested" - "In response to a video of a California man's dispute with airport security officials, the Transportation Security Administration said Monday it tries to be sensitive to individuals, but everyone getting on a flight must be screened.
The video, in which software engineer John Tyner refuses an X-ray scan at the San Diego, California, airport, has sparked a debate over screening procedures.
Tyner told CNN on Sunday that he was surprised to see so many people take an interest in his refusal and the dispute with airport screeners that followed it. But he said he hoped the video will focus attention on what he calls a government invasion of privacy.Obviously, everybody has their own perspective about their personal screening," TSA administrator John Pistole told CNN. "The question is, how do we best address those issues ... while providing the best possible security?"
Tyner, 31, said his hunting trip to South Dakota was cut short before it even started Saturday morning -- when TSA agents asked him to go through an X-ray machine.
"I don't think that the government has any business seeing me naked as a condition of traveling about the country," Tyner said.
Pistole said the agency is "trying to be sensitive to individuals issues and concerns," but added, "the bottom line is, everybody who gets on that flight has been properly screened."
The cell phone video Tyner recorded of his arguments with security screeners over the scan and pat-down they proposed had garnered than 200,000 hits on YouTube by Monday afternoon.
Tyner said that after he declined the body scan, a TSA agent told him he could have a pat-down instead. Once the procedure was described, Tyner said he responded, "If you touch my junk, I'll have you arrested."
The dispute that followed, Tyner said, included police escorting him from the screening area and a supervisor saying he could face a civil lawsuit for leaving the airport before security had finished screening him.
In fact, Tyner could face a civil penalty as high as $11,000, according to Michael Aguilar, the TSA's federal security director in San Diego, who defended the behavior of his officers during the confrontation.
"He's violated federal law and federal regulations, which states once you enter and start the process you have to complete it," he said.
Tyner called the whole incident ridiculous and said he will not fly "until these machines go away."
*5 Israeli Security - Air travelers in the United States are now given two options at the security gate -- be groin-groped by gloved Transportation Security Administration agents, or photographed "naked" in the back-scatter X-ray device that Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic calls "the porn machine."
You can thank failed "underwear bomber" Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab for this one. While armies tragically tend to fight the last war, the TSA looks for the item the most recent terrorist used.
After 9/11, everything sharp -- even tweezers -- was banned. Ever since Richard Reid tried and failed to light his loafers on fire, security agents have forced us to take off our shoes. British authorities rounded up terrorists who planned to bring liquid explosives on board, and we've all been prohibited from carrying shampoo through the gate ever since.
Terrorists have yet to use the same weapon twice, and the TSA isn't even looking for whatever they'll try to use next. I can think of all sorts of things a person could use to wreak havoc on a plane that aren't banned. Security officials should pay less attention to objects, and more attention to people.
The Israelis do. They are, out of dreadful necessity, the world's foremost experts in counterterrorism. And they couldn't care less about what your grandmother brings on a plane. Instead, officials at Ben Gurion International Airport interview everyone in line before they're even allowed to check in.
And Israeli officials profile. They don't profile racially, but they profile. Israeli Arabs breeze through rather quickly, but thanks to the dozens of dubious-looking stamps in my passport -- almost half are from Lebanon and Iraq -- I get pulled off to the side for more questioning every time. And I'm a white, nominally Christian American.
If they pull you aside, you had better tell them the truth. They'll ask you so many wildly unpredictable questions so quickly, you couldn't possibly invent a fake story and keep it all straight. Don't even try. They're highly trained and experienced, and they catch everyone who tries to pull something over on them.
Because I fit one of their profiles, it takes me 15 or 20 minutes longer to get through the first wave of security than it does for most people. The agents make up for it, though, by escorting me to the front of the line at the metal detector. They don't put anyone into a "porn machine." There's no point. Terrorists can't penetrate that deeply into the airport.
The Israeli experience isn't pleasant, exactly, and there's a lot not to like about it. It can be exasperating for those of us who are interrogated more thoroughly.
The system has its advantages, though, aside from the fact that no one looks or reaches into anyone's pants. Israelis don't use security theater to make passengers feel like they're safe. They use real security measures to ensure that travelers actually are safe. Even when suicide bombers exploded themselves almost daily in Israeli cities, not a single one managed to get through that airport."
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i'm saying it right now, NOT ON MY LIFE!! i am saddened that our nation screams out, "Don't let the terrorists win!!" haven't they?? they may not have succeeded in killing us physically but they have certainly entrapped our souls.