Monday, June 28, 2010


post 074

So what do I care what happens way down at the Mexican border?
I live in a tiny village in Alaska, you know, that state where the ignorant, uneducated governor lives!
I care because of the significance it means to all of us.
Let me explain, to all those wise southern voters who despise Palin:

Why do you suppose all those Mexicans are fleeing Mexico in mass?
Is it because they all have good paying jobs?
Or because their justice system works well?
Is it because they have such a high lifestyle?
Why is it, as bad as our system has become, they are still coming?

Now ask; Why a line in the sand should make such a difference, one side from the other?
What is so special about a border?

The border, is the line that separates differences;
Different laws, different thought processes, different philosophies, different ideologies. Different powers of authority.
The border is what encompasses the realm of jurisdiction for such differences.
Pick a side of the line, it doesn’t matter, but inside of that line is an entire lifestyle of rules and practice that one must accept. Violate those rules and practices and you face the power of authority to determine the result.
If both sides of the line are quite similar in those differences, then harmony can exist, and the ability to mingle without conflict is much greater. The risk of damage done to the society is minimized, but so is the mass migration, because this side is just as green as that side.
But when the difference is great, the damage to society is also great and so is the desire for the masses to migrate.
The migration is not the significant problem, the damage is.

So how can the damage be minimized? By ensuring all immigrants are willing to adapt to the laws and practices. In this way the society is actually made bigger and stronger by the migration.
The border is the line that authorizes this demand on all those who would cross.

If I knocked on your door and asked if I could come in, you have the knowledge of my presence and the ability to ensure you maintain the authority. I remain in your home in peace so long as I do not disrupt your “ways”.
But with the same me, and the same you, if I was to come at night and sneak through your window, your attitude toward me would be significantly different.
Because I have breached the submission to your authority by attempting to be there without your knowledge. This alone implies I have intent to breach your “ways” and you are justified to conclude I intend to do unto you, what you would not want done. Whether theft, or murder, or to corrupt your children, there is simply no good reason why I should be there in this way.
Only a fool would say; “Oh it’s you”, and go back to bed! Even if you knew me!
What if I really just wanted a cup of sugar?
By my very breach you would still be a fool to point to the cupboard where the sugar is, and go back to bed. In reason and wisdom you would look at me like I was a mad man, for indeed I would have to be to make entry in such a willful manner.

This is exactly the reason for the Castle Doctrine
law on this side of the border that allows you full protection under the law to take the life of anyone entering your home in an unauthorized way.
This is the same reasoning that must now be used at the US / Mexican border.
I recommend the establishment of a ½ mile DMZ along the entire Mexican border,
Anyone without exception caught crossing the border inside this ½ mile DMZ must be shot on site as if it were your own home. Because of America’s failure to deal with this issue earlier while less drastic measures were possible, this now is the only means left to eliminate this destructive invasion. It is the duty of the Federal government to call up the militia, provide for their service, and post them at the US border for this purpose.
IF done swiftly and consistently the loss of life should be extremely minimal before the word gets around and the invasion is completely ended.
No such drastic measures need be taken at the US / Canadian border for the opposite reasons. Our nations are more similar, so no mass illegal immigration and therefore no disruption of society.

So what is the result if the border is eliminated?
By removing the simple line in the sand as it were, the limits of jurisdiction are no longer clear, allowing for a legitimate contest as to what authority actually has power. The migration will primarily move in one direction, from bad to good. For until the cause of the bad is eliminated, few of the good will wish to change.
yet allowing the bad to freely flow into the good will diminish the good, more than enhance the bad. How can we be sure? The proof is in the reality of the 80 mile section of Arizona now posted as too dangerous for entry by the good!
The law of entropy applies here as everywhere; without maintenance, everything decays.
Those fleeing a bad environment illegally are not the type of people to add quality to our society. By unlawful entry they show that they bring with them the very elements they are fleeing, namely; Self-centered, leach style, anarchic, lawlessness, or better said; Survival by corruption.
They avoid our laws, consume our resources, sponge off our handouts, and resist paying their share of taxes, they claim no loyalty to our nation, our laws, or our society.
By any scientific explanation, this is a destructive invasion.

Because our government and our society have both degraded drastically over a reasonably short period of time, the mental differences in thinking between nations has been reduced, while the differences in effect has come at a slower pace. This allows for a very short window of time where the lack of concern appears justified until the deep unalterable damage follows behind.

Another word picture:
Almost regardless of how bad the conditions become in an orphanage, if you allow a child molester to dwell there, the orphanage will not become a better place, and the inhabitants will be irreparably destroyed.
Yet if you regulate who comes in, you can find a great advantage to their presence.

This is not rocket science, this is reason.

Post note:
Don't misunderstand; The flow of illegal nationals into America is not the sole cause of our problems, it is more a by product of our problems.
But just because you have cancer does not mean you should slice your wrists... unless you now intend to die more quickly!
Jeremiah 48 speaks of the desolation of the Moab nation. Change the word Moab to America, and read it again! This is not a misuse of scripture because principles are the same through time and location.
Note especially the first 14 verses which provides the context of verse 10:
"Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood."
This is not a verse to promote violence, it is a verse for righteous defense.
This verse says in effect; Doomed is the nation that warps the doctrines of Christ to become weak and defenseless, doomed is the nation that will not fight in war against injustice for their own defense.

Just as Mr. Obama kept back the ships wanting to clean up the BP oil before it reached our shores, so our federal government will not call up the militia willing to clean up our borders.
The destruction to our shores, the businesses, and lives of the people there in Florida are the result of this foolish and evil inaction.
The destruction of our communities through drugs, crime, and loss of national control are the results of the same kind of inaction at our borders.
An invasion is an invasion whether by oil or men. It must be dealt with swiftly and powerfully before the damage is done, the only thing that can be done after the fact, is to live with the long term life changing consequences.
Is Florida still Florida?
I suppose it is, but it is a far less glorious Florida with far less to offer.

* * * * * * *

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