Thursday, June 17, 2010

What is the reason?

post 069

Do you really believe the Leader of the Greatest Nation on earth is an ignorant man short of the ability to think?
I don’t.
So ask yourself; why does he say: “We will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long as it takes. Obama speech (starting at marker 2:10)
Yet now more than 50 days into this disaster he still refuses to waive the Jones Act
which would allow the many waiting foreign ships into our waters for the purpose of helping us clean up the largest oil spill in US history?
Good question.

This disaster began as an oil rig explosion on April 20. 2010. After more than 50 days into the disaster, this speech goes on (at marker 2:26) to claim; “From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge…” and he goes on to take credit for the few ideas, proposals, and efforts of the US citizens, which the feds permitted, ignoring the many which the feds have denied or delayed.
One of many examples: The government took weeks to authorize only a fraction of the oil barrier islands
proposed by the people, who were willing to build them immediately. But because the feds authorized a few, he includes them in his positive sounding statement. People are daily coming up with ingenious ways to help minimize this disaster such as this product; BM-007
I have seen many such solutions, none of which will cure the problem, but collectively can do much to reduce the effects. Just Google; “proposed gulf of mexico oil spill solution”

Don’t forget in the face of his statement (starting at meter 8:32) BP was drilling in mile deep water because the Federal government would not let them drill in 500’ deep water where the state of Louisiana had permitted. This is a classic Obama misdirection; The regulatory agency denied BP to drill in safe water, forcing them to drill in deep water, then Obama accused the drillers of bribery, the agency of corruption, and wants to fix the problem with more government agencies adding more regulations on the drillers. Starting at meter 8:41 he begins a long blame game of failed regulatory agency practices. But in stead of holding these agencies accountable for their alleged misconduct, he declares Ken Salazar and himself have, as good dictators do, brought in their own leadership into the agency (Michael Bromwich), adding yet another division of government, controlled by the whitehouse.
Beginning at marker 10:12 his statements as fact are flat out wrong. America has huge reserves of oil, but the government refuses to allow drilling. Having forced BPs hand to drill in deep water, the government can now use this disaster to their advantage and stop further drilling. Remember Rohm Imanuel? You never want a serious crisis to go to waste
The federal government is not a savior here, it is the chains that bind those who would solve this problem, and reduce the damage.
Don’t get me wrong, this is a very serious problem, with as yet an unknown cure.

The federal government has failed to do anything to solve this problem so far, in spite of the declaration; “From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge…”
In his own words, Mr Obama’s solution is yet more government, while the people affected by this disaster are begging the government to get out of the way!
This next boot on the throat
speech, shows the focus of the federal government is to lord over the work, not to actually do anything. This shows their desire to rule, not lead.

So again I ask;
Why has Obama not waved the Jones Act?

Remember the title wave that killed so many and decimated the coasts of many nations? We sent aid to many countries to help relieve their suffering.
Remember our reaction to China’s rejection of our cargo planes full of life saving supplies? “What kind of arrogant fool refuses help to save the lives of perhaps millions of their people?
We watched helplessly, with huge planes full of supplies sitting on the runways, while the great suffering of a horrible, sudden event turned into greater suffering in the slow deaths of the survivors.
We asked ourselves; “Why?”
And now we are just such a foolish country. The rest of the world asks themselves; What kind of an arrogant fool refuses aid to save their coasts from decades of devastation?

Remember Obama has carefully filled his cabinet of advisers with people who admire Mao, and Chaves, and Castro, all mass murderers of their own people.
Perhaps they admire Hu Jintao, the leader of China as well?

Is this an Obama bashing blog?
Mr. Obama is doing what his entire life of progressive education is leading him to do.
He is acting as a ruler, not a leader.

You may not like what he is doing.
You may be pulling your hair out over it.
But it was the American people who voted him into the office he now holds.
Why did we do that?
Because for too long we have left the government "of the people", run uncontrolled "by the people", until it is no longer "for the people".
When a landowner has to first get the federal governments permission to protect his land, his family and his possessions, there is no longer freedom.

By our slothful unconcern we have ignorantly voted in those who’s answers are to take us backwards into slavery of the state.
Our founders fought and died to bring us out of such slavery.
Don’t blame a tyrant for having the mind of a tyrant.
Don’t blame a despot for having the mind of a despot.
Don’t blame a dictator for having the mind of a dictator.
Don’t blame a progressive for having the mind of a progressive.
Rather blame the fools who did not lift a hand to protect themselves from the beast when they had the power.
Blame US.
And if the blame rests heavily on yours and my shoulders, then we may feel the burden to bear the responsibility to fix our problems, and stop looking to someone else.

A quote given to me by my USMC drill instructor says;

“For those who fight for it, Freedom has a special flavor the protected never know.”

I urge you to join in the fight to reclaim our heritage, our foundations, and our God.
Choose to get involved.

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