Friday, June 18, 2010

The Blood Thirsty Moose

(and the poor helpless wolf)
post 070

I am an Alaskan, and in the winter I spend a fair amount of time out in the wilderness trapping, exploring and enjoying the great rugged outdoors.
I trap wolves... and I see a lot of moose.

I have learned with time to be hesitant at showing my pictures of wolves I have taken. There is a large segment of America that is readily offended that I would kill such a magnificent creature.
The arguments I hear are many including: They are beautiful, They are intelligent, They look so majestic, They only kill what they need to survive.

It would appear from feedback that these people are experts in the knowledge of wolves and their habits, as well as the proper management of them.
Just do a Youtube search; “wolf Tribute” to find the selection of limitless cases of unreasonable attachment to the wolf. example 1
Aren’t they such wonderful, happy, playful animals no different than our own pets?
Why would you kill such an animal?

This intelligent, informed perspective went to new heights when Alaska’s Governor, Sarah Palin ran as vice president.
Ashley Judd, a Hollywood actress, who I am certain has never seen a single wolf in the wild, feels she has the wisdom to tell a life long Alaska resident and the governor of the state, how to manage Alaska’s wildlife.
Judd commercial

Other examples of an emotional appeal to save the poor helpless wolf:

This is the kind of response I get if I let someone know I trap wolves in winter.

* * *

On the polar opposite to the wonderful wolf, we have simply by default, the bloodthirsty moose.
We all have heard horror stories like the one of an old man being trampled to death by a berserk moose near the entrance to the Anchorage mall. (couldn’t find that clip)
They have sharp hooves and pointy antlers, They are violent creatures!
Big and dumb, useless, ugly, and aggressive!
killer moose

Ok, I couldn’t find any video proving it, but I have heard someone who said he heard of a moose who killed a wolf with his hooves.

* * *

Some Facts:

The State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game has published a pamphlet titled: “Wolves in Alaska”
In this publication they state:
State biologists monitor the health of Alaska’s wolf population by estimating the number and size of packs in selected areas of the state. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game also conducts studies on the relationship between wolves and their prey and wolf population dynamics, among other topics.
Wolves in Alaska are not threatened or endangered. About 7,500 wolves live in Alaska on hundreds of millions of acres of pristine habitat. Alaska is committed to maintaining a large and healthy wolf population.”

What studies has Miss Judd been involved with?
Where are her validations for her public disparagement of Alaska’s Governor on this topic?
Emotion? Hardly a viable support for such a public declaration.

The pamphlet also includes this segment:
“The rate at which wolves kill large mammals varies with pack size, prey availability and environmental conditions. A pack may kill a moose every few days during the winter…. On the average, each wolf eats about 12 moose or 36 caribou a year.”
Is that a type-o?!
But each hunter is allowed only 1 moose to feed his entire family each year.
Now with this factual information who do you see is getting the advantage?

Yet when it comes between the happy helpless playful wolf, or the blood thirsty killer moose, The wolves need our help!

What makes people believe what they do? And why do people almost always choose to believe what is not true?
In my time in the woods, I have seen many remains of moose killed by wolves.
I have never seen a wolf killed by a moose.
Moose eat tree parts,
Wolves eat moose parts.
But someone somewhere I am sure, has a video of a moose kicking a wolf to death, and that is reason enough to believe that moose are the aggressor and need to be “wiped off the earth!”
Ridiculous you say?
Keep reading.

It takes very little real life observation, or even a little reading on the subject such as; Alaska's Wolf Man: The 1915-55 Wilderness Adventures of Frank Glaser by Jim Rearden to figure out that moose are actually NOT the aggressor, and that wolves actually are blood thirsty killers, who often kill for pleasure leaving the animal uneaten. But those wolf lovers out there will not bother to learn any facts, they already have their minds made up.

Am I saying the answer is to kill all wolves?
Of course not.
Wolves in the proper balance are a great part of the cycle of nature.
But without management they will multiply until they kill everything they can.

* * *

So why is this in my blog?

Because the “concept problem” is the same across many platforms.
Yesterday I was on line and found myself involved in the following issue:

A woman, we will call her ‘Host’ posted the following question regarding the USA kids who were forced to change their cloths which displayed the US Flag at school, on Cinco de Mayo. The question was presented with a Fox News logo, but there was no article attached for unknown reasons.

Should the American Flag Be Banned -- in America?

She got many opinions in reply, and there was a bit of confusion regarding the topic or the event, but still people were willing to provide a bold opinion.
Here is the discussion with the names changed to protect the participants:

where's the article? Did this have to do with those students wearing the American flag on Cinco de Mayo in Morgan Hill, CA?

there was no article, it's just the poll. im sure that because they mention keeping the children safe as one of the choices, that it is related to that, but regardless while of course everyone wants to keep them safe, i don’t feel that banning the flag is the way to do it.

I'm still confused. If it has to do with kids' safety, why not? The title of this post is misleading. If you look at the question only, it's a no brainer to say it shouldn't be banned. In the matter of PUBLIC SAFETY, it depends. I want to read the story and then base my answer on that.

I don't think that the left has any problem with the flag itself. The problem is how the flag is used by the right. Let me guess.. They were white kids wearing the American flag t-shirts? It wasn't the flag that bothered these people; it was how they used it.
Besides.. Isn't putting the symbol of the flag on a t shirt considered to be in poor taste? My flag is a flag. It's not a t shirt or a g string.
@ Wally. It's a safety problem because these white kids were throwing the flag in the face of the Mexican students. The way that they used the flag was no better than wearing a KKK hood on MLK day or flying rival gang colors. Their intention was to get a rise out of non-white people. It wasn't to honor the flag or our country.

Ok, so it has to do with that Morgan Hill incident then. I was trying to Google search a story related to this post. It appears Fox News is misleading the public just to get them angry.

I don't know for sure if it has to do with the Morgan Hill incident. Fox misleading? Nah... ;)

Why is there anything wrong with showing your patriotism? Does it really matter if the flag is printed on a t-shirt, if that is the only way that you can show it? Cinco de mayo is NOT an American holiday, there is no reason to celebrate it in schools, and the school had no right to suspend the kids who wore those shirts. How ridiculous.

This isn't patriotism; it's nationalism. They could care less about honoring the flag or our country by doing this.
They just did it on that Cinco de Mayo to get a rise out of Mexicans. The way that they used the flag was racist. Again, it's not the problem with the flag; it's how they used it.
I bet you any money that their parents put them up to this....
I also wonder how many days out of the year that these friends all wore their flag tshirts together. I bet you that it's a big fat 0!

You'd be surprised at what teenagers will do without the prompting of their parents. I still don't see anything wrong with what they did. Cinco de mayo is not an American holiday, if the Mexican students had a problem with the American flag on the kid's shirts, it's their problems, not the Caucasian children. There is nothing wrong with nationalism. Maybe more people need a little more pride for their country.

Wearing the flag as clothing is generally considered disrespectful.
How would you feel if you were a student in Mexico in a mix of American and Mexican students and a bunch of kids wore a Mexican flag to school on the Fourth of July?
I believe that the reason why the kids were kicked out of school was for safety reasons. These kids were making an anti-immigrant political statement by wearing the flag and the administration wanted to avoid any potential problems.

(After a bit of a side issue)

…What I'm saying is that this is a powder keg topic right now in our border states and I believe that the school administrators were right by kicking these kids out. I don't know if you're aware of this, but we have kids that ...(kill each other in school)

Wow did you open a can of worms!
I must respectfully disagree with Jim’s opinion of mixing two very important issues to come to his conclusion.
PS have you checked the stats on who's doing most the shooting? Legal or Illegal? Mexican or Not?

oh Paul, i wish i had seen you before i hit the send button, thank you for your contribution. (unrelated entry)

LOL I am always amazed at how we tend to be ignorant on issues, but naturally choose the wrong side. I have been following this. it is in the news. and the Mexican kids were making a very big issue of the mexican holiday in US schools. the US flag wearing was a retaliation. and I support it!

thank you, i thought i had read the wrong article when it first occurred, because that was my understanding also. however, i still agree with keeping kids safe, but we also need to look at the whole picture. were the mexican students punished as well? i was always told by Hispanics, that Cinco de Mayo is not a "holiday" they celebrate in Mexico. as a matter of fact, i went to a small mexican restaurant one year on that day, and asked them what it was all about, the server who barely spoke english had no idea what it was...she said their day of celebration was in September.

This story is very much like the Israeli issue. media and ignorance always on the wrong side!
PS, if I may do a bit of advertising here: check out my blog on my wall. very appropriate.

that's a great idea, your blog is great.

(blog posted)

I was going to respond more fully to all your questions Kim, but after taking a look at Paul's blog, no thank you.
So, my assumption was correct then. The kids were using the flag t shirts for nothing more than to taunt the other kids. How is that a good thing?

When people on your soil put down your nation in bold preference to the one they came from, THAT is what should be criticized, not the actions of those defending the nation they are standing in, in a peaceful demonstration of patriotism.

(Jim) what is it about his blog that offends you? and why would that affect whether you respond to me?
just understand that i do not defend violence, i do defend freedom of speech, provided that it is responsible.
i whole heartedly agree with Paul regarding our Nation.
and there should be no harm in supporting your heritage, but to blatantly support another country as if it were the better country, or to set out to prove, what? not as if it were your favorite sports team.
i firmly believe that if someone so abusively supports "their" nation, over the one in which they are standing in, then get the ---- out, and go back to where you came from. if your country was crap enough to leave, then why would you want our Country to be so like that one?

You're not getting my point here. I fully support these kids making a statement. It just wasn't the right venue for it. What if this had resulted in violence? Then, people would've blamed the administrators for not doing their jobs to protect the kids.

I understand that concern.
banning shirts with the US flag is NOT the correct action.

What is this about the Mexican kids putting down our country on our soil?

the entire issue began when Hispanic kids displayed the Mexican flag in mass at school for the holiday.
The US kids were offended at the taunt.

What was their intention though? To show pride for their country on their holiday or to put down our country?

IF this was a one time incident I wouldn’t be as supportive of the retaliation, but this has been a long issue there. Much as the Mexican kids in California schools refusing to salute the US flag or say the pledge, yet they feel they have a right to be in our country.
IF you follow this issue you will see the Mexicans have publicly stated that; "It is Mexico wherever we are"
This is knowingly and boldly claiming US soil for Mexico.

i wish i could remember all the other articles prior to this incident where the mexican students took their "pride" too far.

flag 1
just one of hundreds, remember, this is US soil!
A very good news article on a similar event, and the law explaining that this is illegal
This is the event of the present topic.
What they are not showing is the history here, so you get a skewed view of what was really going on.

ah, finally i found one of them.... oh, you did too...

Occupied Mexico
this is the crux of the real problem!
Remember, this is a teacher in America!

oh, how could i have forgotten that one, it was just a few days ago..i read about that...thank you for the reminder. i didnt watch all the way through, it makes me mad, ...

... this is a UCLA teacher!
Now, do you question AZ in their attempt to reclaim their state from illegals intent on "claiming their stolen land"?

Jim, it's not my intention to turn this into a mexican bashing place, this is the powder keg results. Americans are being violated and these are the results of that frustration, and i think it is past due.
i dont blame them at all, i was born in Arizona, it's not the state it used to be. my father told me last week that Phoenix is the kidnap capitol of the world...

That's f--- up! I certainly don't condone that behavior. How many people are like that though? It's like saying that all Muslims are terrorists.
This all goes back to it being at a school. If the Mexican kids were taunting the white Americans with their flag, it should've been stopped right there. I don't have a problem with the kids displaying pride for their country, but if it was merely to taunt the other kids, I think it's wrong.

i think we are all on common ground with that, but you see that it isn't like that, it's the American kids that get punished, and the media that twists it.

* * *

So why did I copy all that here?
Because this is a classic example in thinking; this strange trend to side with the aggressor against those just trying to survive in peace. (like the moose) And because these links are critical to see.
In ignorance of the event, this man for reasons yet unknown, automatically and confidently takes the side of those offended by the display of the US flag on U.S. soil. “because it might end in violence.”

Thinking logically and reasonably;
Why immediately choose to believe the flag totters are the aggressor? Perhaps they were, but why not ask before making a determination? Why not assume Americans on American soil are first in the right, and begin your query with doubting the behavior of Mexicans on American soil?
US soil, US school, US students, US flag. Someone is offended? Hmmmm
Now with questions like this you begin to look for a cause of both the action, and the offense. And we discover these American students of Mexican descent, are confused about their allegiance. In California we have students refusing to salute the flag or give the Pledge Of Allegiance, the reason given? They are of Mexican descent, and so have Mexican allegiances, even though they were born in the USA.
At UCLA we have a professor claiming California is US occupied Mexican soil that must be taken back.
In California the Mexican flag is flown over schools, Post offices and businesses…. on US soil!
In Arizona we have so many illegal Mexicans crossing into the USA, the state has enacted arguably extreme laws to hinder this.
There are lots of Youtube videos showing conflict between those loyal to the USA and those not. This is not a racial issue, this is an issue of Allegiance, and therefore an issue of national defense!
The nature of war is to take or defend what you can.
I have no problem with the actions of millions of Mexican loyal people attempting to takeover land from American sovereignty. It is the nature of war.
My problem is with those claiming to be loyal to America, allowing them to do it from a fear of conflict. I have not one single issue or problem with US loyal Mexicans living in America whether born here or naturalized. But I also have no problem believing every illegal Mexican attempting to sneak across the border should be shot dead.
Why? Because I hate Mexicans?
NO! I DO NOT hate Mexicans!
But because I love America.
If they want to be here; come lawfully, with the mind to be Americans of Mexican decent. Not Mexican Americans.
P.S. I also have no problem with illegal Americans sneaking into Mexico being shot dead by the Mexicans.
That's kinda the point behind the whole "border thing" as a line in the dirt between nations.
How important is national security? Important enough to be included in the United States Constitution as Article 4 section 4; "The United states shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..."
Except Arizona? Insane. This is the issue which clearly indicates that the federal government has become Treasonous.

Yet like the Bloodthirsty moose story, there is a propensity for those completely ignorant of the issue, to choose the wrong side.
Americans are not trying to take over Mexico.
Americans are not illegally infiltrating Mexico in mass, defiant to their laws.
Yet Americans are automatically to blame for any conflict with un-loyal “Mexican Americans”

* * *

Finally we see the same tendency of choosing the wrong side, in regarding the recent Israeli Embargo seen in the news today.
Being fully ignorant of the details, Americans are easily led by the media to come to “their own conclusion” of judging that “evil Israel” for keeping needed aid from the poor Palestinians.
Regardless of the history of the Jews being unspeakably abused for a few thousand years,
Regardless of the self-proclamation that the Muslims want Israel driven into the sea to their destruction.
Regardless that Palestine was not even a nation until the nation of Israel gave of their tiny country the land for Palestine to exist. and in gratitude Palestine has continued lobbing rockets back into Israel ever since.
Regardless that Israel has no problem with many aid organizations entering Palestine delivering relief.
Regardless that the two organizations providing the ships of this flotilla have a long history of Terrorism.
Regardless that Grease refused to allow the flotilla to port in Grease because of their terrorist backing,
Regardless that Egypt refused entry of these organizations because of their terrorist activity.
Regardless of Israel’s willingness to allow them through, if they would but agree to a check search which was refused.
Regardless of all this and more;
The masses immediately and boldly side against the evil Jews and in favor of the poor “aid ships” refused by Israel.

This is a real life, current example showing the ridiculous notion that Israel is the aggressor and Islam is the poor helpless religion of peace.
Get a map or do Google Earth. Look at the land Israel wants to return to, look at the land occupied by Islam.
The entire history of the Jews has been pushed, and kicked, and abused and murdered, and they take it and take it. Then on the occasion they feel they have had enough, they retaliate just a little, and some schmuck gets it on film to prove the angry, blood thirsty, Jews are killers.
Never mind that the Kor’an (the bible of Islam) requires all Muslims to kill those who do not chose to follow Allah.
Never mind that the religion of Islam cannot rest until all the world worships Allah.
Never mind the history of violence, and the directive to kill themselves if they can kill a few Jews in the process.

It is a fool who believes that moose kill wolves, and that the wolf is a poor helpless animal in need of our protection. In spite of the fact that wolf packs cover many miles, we need to give the few acres a moose needs, to the wolves as well, they just can’t be happy until every moose is run into the sea!

It is a fool who believes that any American (not just Mexicans) have the right to show defiant allegiance to a foreign country while on U.S. soil and should expect no retaliation.

It is a fool who believes that you can intend peace, when you vow to wipe an entire peaceful nation from the map.


Our so-called President wants to give the holiest city of our tiny allies, to the self-proclaimed enemy of both our own nations!
let me be clear…oops
lets divide Jerusalem
Clinton on two state solution


What is it that makes people gravitate toward love and defense of the predator against the prey?
Unbalanced Hunting rules for natures predators
Women’s rights over their unborn
Illegal aliens over Poverty stricken vets
Palestinians over Jews.
Dictators over freedom?

Ask yourself: "What makes me believe what I do? and how sure am I, that I have enough facts to know what is true?"

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