Friday, October 29, 2010


post 109

Using recent history such as is shown in the previous post, and the plethora of information shown to us by Glenn Beck and others, we can now see the steps and the clear goal of those whom would overtake the American nation.

But having this information, just how are we to actually go about stopping what we now see?
I can’t even quickly come up with a generic example or idea.

Our supreme court is already Progressive,
Our congress (both parties, both houses) is already Progressive,
Our so-called President is Progressive.
The military is under the control of the President through congress and administration.*1
What in all reality could we possibly do at this time?

Are we, as good American homeowners, in our neighborhoods actually going to grab our guns and march down to… where?
And if we actually could figure out “where”, what do we think we would actually do when we arrived? Shoot somebody… but who? for what?

The slow and small steps have succeeded to advance the goals, while each small step has been too small to warrant a “gun battle” or even a gun battle. But the problem is even more complex than this.

After such a drawn out gradual subversion, a large number of Americans are actually on the progressive side of the argument, so just who is the enemy now? Our own people?
Yet there is more.

Congress has repeatedly ignored the masses.
Our courts have repeatedly ruled against us.
Even the lower courts are now ruling against us;
The 9th circuit court of AZ just ruled against their own previous ruling! for the purpose of advancing Progressivism through declaring it unlawful to demand proof of citizenship in order to vote! Now just any ol’ illegal can vote! Who will they vote for? Those who want to deem them legal of course. How convenient.

Congress, the Supreme Court, and the President have openly violated the direct obligations, concepts, and oaths of office of the Constitution, and have subverted it many times.

Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary fifth edition 1948
Subvert; 1 To overturn, overthrow; ruin utterly. 2 To undermine the morals, allegiance, or faith of; corrupt.

But when all the check and balance divisions of the government are collectively doing the subverting, who is supposed to hold them in check?

So lets think about this logically;
If you were the Progressives in control, and you knew this was your one shot you had spent years to achieve, would you just let the chips fall and see how the vote goes?
Of course not.

They have been testing the waters to see how we react;

They didn’t protect the border in direct opposition to the clear constitutional requirements, and further deny AZ their right to do the same. *2
And still refused, in the face of direct lawsuits from the State of AZ.
and what did we do? We complained.
What else could we do?
Poor Jan Brewer is outraged. But what can she do?
So the progressives in control observe our reaction and say; Curious.

They pass bill after bill with foundational changes to our nation…
Homeland Security, US Patriot Act, Healthcare, Tarp, Bailouts, etc. etc.
And we complain.
What else could we do?
And they observe and say; Good.

They are caught spending millions to finance ACORN, a proven ballot stuffing organization, and still it took many months of hammering by Glenn Beck before that organization just disappeared.
Not even a fall guy to take the blame as has been the American way, Just evaporated.
No trial, no punishment, nothing.
And we forget about it.
What else could we do?
And they observe and say; hmmmmm

They lie so boldly it is unfathomable; ‘We have fixed the economy and everything is all better’ is the general declaration, though the actual facts show otherwise.
‘spend the trillion and the unemployment rate will not go above 8%.’ Ooops
So we complain.
What else can we do?
And they observe and chuckle; Hehehehe

The acting president declares to the world; “We are not a Christian nation…”
And we barely complained.
Then he searches out friendly and submissive relations with the Enemy of our God through placating the bloody Islamic nations.
But we say nothing for fear of breaching PC
What else could we do?
And they observe and say; Hmmmmm

Test after test, we fail to respond with anything but a complaint.

Tens of Thousands of citizens arrive at the 9/12 Tea Party observation to make a peaceful display of our opposition to the direction of government, but we fall all over ourselves to insure them we are purely peaceful.
What else can we do?
They look out the window to watch, and say; That’s nice, sure glad they are not actually angry!

So now in our one and only civilized action we can actually take, do you really think they are willing to let things be and see just how it all turns out?

If they stuff the ballot boxes and win the vote,
What will we do?
What can we do?
What is the deterrent to cause them pause, even if they are again caught in the very act?
Not a single thing. Not one. Nothing.
And you think they wont “ensure” their success?

Now as an Alaskan I have the choice between a Democrat in sheep’s cloths, and a guy who is daily being exposed as likely unscrupulous.
So if Lisa Murkowski wins, or she succeeds in splitting the republican vote and the Democrat wins, it mattes not. The progressives have won…and that is if the vote is actually legitimate!
Now the Alaska supreme court waves the “no campaigning near voting booths” law, to allow Ms. Murkowski to provide write-in pamphlets at the poles.
So what do we gun packing self-governing Alaskan’s do?
What can we do?
And again they watch and say; hmmmmm

Fox News has already aired multiple cases of proven or curious absentee voter fraud in this election, and this even before the actual vote!
Our military absentee ballots were not mailed out in time to be returned and counted. Ooops
Two guys were caught taking possession of hundreds of absentee ballots unlawfully. Ooops again, (I wonder if these are somehow related? You mean corporal Jones might vote as a democrat even though he actually didn’t get to vote?) Why not?

At least one States’ early polling booths have a strange “glitch”, which the Progressive organization that has the responsibility of setting them up, says;
“is impossible”.

The present Progressive administration,
pushing their goals as boldly as possible,
in the face of virtually no tangible opposition,
have paid their own corrupt organizations
to set up the voting booths.

I wonder now, who will count the votes, ACORN 2?

And still when the ballots are counted we really hope that our conservative views will somehow win?

This is sure sounding a lot like Iran!...
Except we will not even take the streets in riots.

* * *

I was honestly thinking I have spent too much time trying to sell my perspective, that most American’s see all this. But when I visit with otherwise intelligent neighbors and friends I always get the same reaction;
“You are waving the white flag!”
“You have already given up”
“You have to have faith!”

Here in my hometown in Alaska, winter seems to be slightly delayed.
All the signs are upon us; the weather has turned cold, the rainy season is in full force, the trees have all lost their leaves, the wood piles are stacked, people have started to put on their snow tires, The coyotes are showing their new winter coats, and even the calendar says winter is very soon.
But I have faith that it won’t come!
What kind of logic is that?

* * *

So again the question; What are we supposed to do?
Is Glenn Beck right? “Violence is not the answer.”

The answer is found in the Jefferson quote I post here for the third time:

But of all the views of this law none is more important, none more legitimate, than that of rendering the people the safe, as they are the ultimate, guardians of their own liberty. For this purpose the reading in the first stage, where they will receive their whole education, is proposed, as has been said, to be chiefly historical. History by apprising them of the past will enable them to judge of the future; it will avail them of the experience of other times and other nations; it will qualify them as judges of the actions and designs of men; it will enable them to know ambition under every disguise it may assume; and knowing it, to defeat its views.
Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Query 14, 1781

Please seriously read the quote. Exercise that mind and try to figure out what it is saying.

Now notice the very last line,
…and knowing it, to defeat its views.

The entire concept is based on pre-planned foresight. To see in advance the hidden agenda. And by this knowledge, long before the agenda takes true action, we can defeat its views.
But after the agenda takes form into action, we are then battling more than a view.
Knowledge of history at this point must turn from the agenda and focus on solution.
How in history was the battle won after a view turns into action against us?
History shows at this point we have no clear defense but blood.
Jefferson knew this, and his message was for people who were prepared to battle a debilitating view while it was still in the concept stage.

John Adams in a speech to the military in 1798 warned his fellow countrymen stating,
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams is a signer of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and our second President.*3

This Adams quote suggest a problem with expecting the government to legislate morality. So now that the seeds of Progressive morality have taken root, we are now the people which this quote states our Constitution was inadequate to govern!

Why will America fall?
Because we have wasted our youth in entertainment and not in the study of history for the purpose of recognizing the seeds of destructive actions, long before the seeds actually sprout.

It is my personal analysis that we will loose this election to the progressives. All the news polls and campaign negotiations showing a neck and neck race, is but a shell game to cause doubt, so that when the ballots are counted we can not be sure if it was won fair or by corruption.
Just a little doubt is all we require to allow us to stay home in front of the TV instead of filling the streets in riot.

I am not the priest.
I am the nurse relaying the message from the Supreme Doctor, telling the nation she is dying of inoperable cancer.
You need the priest.
That priest is Jesus the Christ.

* * *
For those of you claiming I have surrendered and am waving the white flag, I challenge you that I have perhaps done more to advance the merits of this vote than most.
I stop by businesses ignorantly campaigning for candidates who stand against the values I know they hold, and I expose to them the evidences.
I wear my neighbors out encouraging them to register and then vote.
I am earnestly trying to promote the Tea Party candidates and ideals, lacking as they may be in places, because they are by far the better option.
Why do I do this? Because even the team which is down 120 points in the game, continues to give it their all until the last buzzer. It is our job to do our part as diligently as possible, while not forgetting the appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions. (Declaration of Independence)

But what is rectitude?

Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition
Rectitude; 1 Now rare. Straightness. 2 Undeviating adherence to moral standards; uprightness. 3 Correctness of judgment or procedure.

In all and full honesty, how rectified are our intentions?
Is our appeal even to God at all? or are we relying on the process of semi honorable, amoral legislative power for our cure?

While I offer virtually no complaint against those working diligently to strengthen our gate of government,
My arm of defense is attempting to alert the loitering masses to the huge breach in the other area of the attack which has been clearly defined in the Saul Alinsky book; “Rules for Radicals”, Yet pitifully neglected but by a few;

“Rules for Radicals” First paragraph of the Prologue - “The revolutionary force today has two targets, morals as well as material…”

* * *

Is Blood the Answer?
Again I ask, Who would we fight against? Our neighbor who disagrees with our view?
America is the people.

A person who has a bit of cancer, goes under the knife to cut out the destructive part.
But once cancer has progressed all through the body, what can he cut?
This is the condition upon which they use the term; Terminal.
The number one phrase used at this point is; If only we had caught it earlier.

* * *
Once the Progressives assure their permanence through this vote, they will then turn their full energy to opening the two leaf brass Gate of our congress to the Persian king.
"...I (God) will... open before him the the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut." Isaiah 45:1,2

Now I feel I have used reason and logic and history and science to come to this evaluation.
I wish to be done with this topic and move to the next…
Because God may be done with America, but he has far more plans of hope for her people!

* * *

November 4, 2010
Clearly I should stick to interpretation and avoid speculation. The Conservatives did a pretty fair job of winning majority seats in the House but failed to obtain majority in the Senate.
Regardless, Excluding the speculation in this post, my blog remains true to the course which I have interpreted as following scriptural prophecy.
see -

* * * * * * *

* 1 Military’s Authority - Article 1 section 8, Article 2 section 2 U.S. Constitution

*2 Border Protection - Article 4 section 4, Article 1 section 10 US Constitution

*3 Another great collection of foundational quotes -

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