Monday, October 25, 2010

Moving Up

Into The Next Level.
post 105

My head and heart and soul are so filled with the time spent with God, I cannot write fast enough. But just as I was about to post my latest thought, I was checked ever so lightly; Something was off. Something was just not quite right.
And as I thought about it, I realized the slight feeling of some small distance from God.
I realized what I was writing was good stuff, but actually just residual from what he had said earlier which I was still trying to put down.
But where was God? I had not actually heard from him clearly for a few days.
So I stopped everything, did not post. And began to ask;
What is the cause?

Have you ever tried to explain a dream?
The words are there but you are not getting the real dream across?
Somehow you can’t explain it but don’t know why.

Upon seeking, I immediately knew what was asked of me, but like explaining a dream, I couldn’t command my understanding to accept it as the answer, like the dream it was clearly there… but not there. And for a few days I continued to ask, and for a few days the answer was the same.

Then still in unsure disbelief, which I cannot explain, I suddenly thought;
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
Matthew 16:26
This concept applies to the very basic salvation.
But not being in danger of this, I could see how it also applies to each level of standing.
How many women want a man’s attention, but he must choose one at the abandonment of all others. (salvation)
Now that she is his wife, the sacrifices don’t end. What is a happy wife worth? A motorcycle? A night out with the boys? Emptying the trash?
Viewed from a selfish standpoint, these can be very high prices to pay.
Viewed from the benefits of a loving relationship, these are but trivial tokens.

And I thought I understood the answer;
sacrifice a token of seriousness, a slight offense to God.
But was this the right answer? What if the sacrifice was for nothing?
These are the thoughts until understanding the above passage, and suddenly the risk of empty sacrifice, was not worth the risk of loss.
And so I gave what God had asked, still wondering if this was the answer...

And found I had unlocked the next level, I was again spiritually sitting in the presence of the almighty, and immediately was introduced to yet more secrets of God! In fact one I had been curious about for some time.

Most Christians never hear God speak because they are unwilling to even enter the second level. What is the price you want in exchange for your fellowship with God? a dirty movie? A periodic drink? Smoking? A TV show? Slothfulness? The list is unending because each of us has a small personal sacrifice God would ask of us. Your response to his request will tell you if you will move up into the next level. I imagine the first level upgrade will cost the price of simply to try.

For me, being left behind is not worth the trivial sacrifice he requests. The thrill of hearing the secrets of God is worth everything! To actually sit in His presence while he quietly speaks… What an honor!
I have the back stage pass for the price of a can of pop… and a brand I no longer crave anyway!

1 comment:

  1. And when you're having the dilemma of whether or not to make this trivial sacrifice, a silent warm thought runs through the head telling you this is the thing to do, and another one saying sth like, "You're making this up, forget it." And again the question of faith becomes so imminent. And of love. Because if you love, no sacrifice is ever a problem.


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