Friday, October 22, 2010

Lisa Murkowski

post 102

This post may seem out of place in the flow of my blog, but I assure you it has a very related point, though it also comes very timely as it is only days before the Mid Term Vote of November 2nd

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Alaska will vote on our senator in a few days.
Lisa Murkowski is the Republican incumbent, and Joe Miller is the Republican who has actually won the primary.
But Ms. Murkowski doesn’t feel she has had enough, so with backing by at least the teacher’s union she is advertising as a write in candidate.

Lisa Murkowski:

Through her terms, Ms. Murkowski has published her republican values and has used examples of her voting to show this.
But having been challenged by suggesting her voting record proves otherwise, I went to the source and looked up her voting record in the annals of Congress. Senate record of votes found my Senator and clicked to get here; Lisa Murkowski and then clicked Voting Record to get started viewing her actual Congressional record of votes.
(Don’t bother with recent votes as they may actually have ulterior motives this close to her re-election possibilities) Begin six months ago and view the past year at least. Look for trends.

Why have I posted all these steps?
So you can know for certain that this is the actual and verifiable path to find this truth. NO hear say, NO biased opinion, NO twisting of facts, this is the reality of her record.

What I found startled me.
And then it made me mad.

I was a Murkowski supporter because she has long publicly declared that her values reflect my values.
What I found shows that she has LIED to me.
According to her actual voting record she overwhelmingly votes for everything I stand against, And everything the Republican Party stands against.

She votes for Abortion
She votes for the rights of Illegal aliens
She votes to give them social security
She votes against sealing the border
She votes against Gun Rights
She votes for Big Government
She votes for Cap and Trade, the Health Care Bill, pork spending,
Ect etc etc.

In otherwords, she says she is a Republican, but Lisa is a Democrat.
Yet she boldly publishes and advertises the rare vote which supports the Republican views. And I mean rare.

The standard explanation is that politics are complicated.
With pork additions and multiple subjects included onto the bills, to vote in favor of one thing, automatically votes against another even if you don’t want to.
This may have some degree of validity, but not enough to provide a long track record of consistently Leftist voting.
(We will not even get into the evils of such a habit in Congress!)

My argument is not that Mr. Murkowski votes in opposition to my values, I am sure I hold many values other Republicans don’t hold.
My argument is that she deceives me to think she is voting for values she actually votes against! I have no defense to deal with such action.
This is evil.

When God asks you why you re-elected a woman who repeatedly votes against his values, are you going to reply; "Well, its complicated."

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Joe Miller:

Now on the flipside, we have the Republican candidate who actually won the Republican Primary. Joe Miller Campaign
He SAYS he stands specifically on the republican side of each of these issues
But who really knows what his real views or agenda are? I know I don’t.

He has several marks against him right out of the gate; about
he is a Lawyer and a Magistrate,
He went to liberal Yale,
and he has been accused of pulling some strange and questionable conduct in the short time he has been running for office. left arguments (One among many.)

But the extremely cropped videos “proving” said conduct, and a lack of unverifiable source documentation leads me to seriously doubt the actual validity behind the accusations.
Here is a snap shot of his views as provided to us though a news publisher; Newsminer article not as whacked as some make him out to be.
But in a nation where we actually expect politicians to lie, how can we know?

My argument in favor of Joe Miller: Why assume just because Ms. Murkowski has spent a career lying to us, that Mr. Miller is lying to us?

Should we elect a proven deceiver over a potential deceiver?
This makes about as much sense as eating at Jeffrey Dahmer’s because you don’t know if the new restaurant has good chicken!

Lets give the man a chance, and if he lies we can throw him out too. But don’t can the man before we test his actions against his word, In favor of a woman who has already shown us her true colors of black!

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Is there a right answer?
Americans have now openly come to the conclusion that our best possible choices are only the “lesser of two evils”
Why is that?

My next post answers this question in detail.

This post has been paid for by virtually no one, I am not associated with any party or candidate and have published this for my own purposes without the approval of anyone.

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addresses to the above in case the links don’t work: just copy and paste to your browser.

US Senate -

Senator Murkowski -

Murkowski Voting Record -

Joe Miller Campaign -

Issues -”

About Joe -

1 comment:

  1. Its good to see others who care so much about these next elections!
    They are so important.


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